Daniel's Fourth and Terrible Kingdom--Who Are They?
The Bible Says It is a Divided Kingdom--But Not Rome--It Is Islam
The Bible Gives an Important Prophecy Clue
"They Will Combine With One Another In Their Descendants" The Bible is always correct. Yet prophecy is generally impossible to understand until God chooses to reveal the true meaning. For example, many have wondered about the terrible fourth kingdom given in Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 7. Because it is a divided kingdom (Daniel 2:41-43) many have thought it was Rome, thinking the meaning was about the eastern and western Roman empires.
But it is not Rome. The fourth and terrible kingdom Daniel saw is Islam. Rome does not fit with Daniel nor Revelation prophecy. For example, Rome cannot be in the "desert wilderness" (the harlot of Revelation 17:3), but Mecca is centered in the desert wilderness. Mecca is the harlot city of "Mystery Babylon" in Revelation.
Rome never had a world renowned false prophet, but Islam does. The false prophet of Revelation is Mohammad. Like Rome, Islam is a divided kingdom, divided between Sunni and Shia. The Sunni and Shia have been fighting each other for nearly 1,400 years now.
Most importantly from a salvation viewpoint, the false god spirit of Islam (Baal--"Allah") in the Qur'an (chapter 5) takes away the Oblation, the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Daniel 9:26-27). Allah only gives bitter waters, not living water.
As you will see below, the Islamic leaders combined with one another in their descendants.
The early Islamic leaders intermarried with one another dozens of times, just as the Bible said would happen. This important prophecy clue giving the identity of the fourth kingdom is written in Daniel 2:42-43:
Daniel 2:42-43 (NASB) And just as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong, and part of it will be fragile. In that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in their descendants; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not combine with pottery.
Understanding the extent of familial links between the Islamic Caliphs and companions of Mohammad is quite important since history shows the first century of Islam (632-752) as one of unceasing warfare and animosity between one Islamic faction versus another. Thus the divided kingdom.
The first four Islamic leaders are the four riders in Revelation chapter 6. Namely, Mohammad (610-632 AD) on the white horse, Abu Bakr (632-634 AD) on the red horse, Umar (634-644 AD) on the black horse, and Uthman (644-656 AD) on the pale green horse. After Uthman came Ali with the Sunni-Shia split that exists to this very day as a divided kingdom.
The roots of the Sunni-Shia divide can be traced all the way back to the seventh century, soon after the death of the false prophet Mohammad in 632 AD. While most of Mohammad’s followers thought that the other elite members of the Islamic community should choose his successor, a smaller group believed only someone from Mohammad’s family—namely his cousin and son-in-law, Ali—should succeed him. This group became known as the followers of Ali; or simply "Shia." Eventually the Sunni majority won out, and chose Mohammad’s close friend Abu Bakr to become the first caliph (the Revelation rider on the red horse), or leader, of the Islamic community. Ali eventually became a caliph (or Imam, as Shiites call their leaders), but only after the next two that preceded him had been assassinated. Both Umar and Uthman were assassinated.
The assassination of Umar (the rider on the black horse in Revelation chapter 6) occurred after Umar had conquered Jerusalem. Umar was killed by a Persian slave boy in broad view of many hundreds of shocked people that did nothing to help--and this fulfilled a direct Bible prophecy in Daniel 11:45.
Daniel 11:45 (NASB) And he will pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the seas and the beautiful Holy Mountain; yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him. After all this fighting in the divided kingdom, Ali himself, was also killed in 661 AD, as the bitter power struggle between Sunni and Shia continued. At stake was not only control of Mohammad’s religious and political legacy, but also a great deal of money, in the form of taxes and tributes paid by the various tribes united under the banner of Islam. These taxes are represented by the pair of scales the rider on the black horse carries, as it was Umar that instituted the Islamic taxes.
This combination of money and power would only grow. Within the century after Mohammad’s death, his followers had built an empire that stretched from Central Asia to Spain. The Islamic empire grew from nothing to having authority over one quarter of the world's population, just as Jesus said would happen in Revelation 6:7-8. Many prophecy experts incorrectly say this rider "kills one quarter of the world", but the Bible does not say that. The Bible says they will have "authority" over a fourth of the earth.
Revelation 6:7-8 (NASB) When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come!” I looked, and behold, a pale green (ashen) horse; and the one who sat on it had the name Death, and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, and famine, and plague, and by the wild animals of the earth. Although many of the early Islamic figures listed belonged to various competing factions and groups during the Islamic civil wars (656-661 AD and 680-692 AD) after the Sunni-Shia splint into a divided kingdom, this did not prevent them from marrying into one another’s families and even naming their children ("descendants") after each other. Just as the Bible said in Daniel 2:41-43!!
For a comprehensive study which places them in the context of the first Islamic century and which discusses their social and political ramifications, see the study by Asad Q. Ahmed: The Religious Elite of the Early Islamic Holy Lands (Hijaz), 2011.
The Dream of Daniel 2In chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a statue made of four different materials, identified as four kingdoms: - Head of gold. Explicitly identified as King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (Daniel 2 v.37–38).
- Chest and arms of silver. Identified as an "inferior" kingdom to follow Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2 v.39).
- Belly and thighs of bronze. A third kingdom which shall rule over all the earth (Daniel 2 v.39).
- Legs of iron with feet of mingled iron and clay. Interpreted as a fourth kingdom, strong as iron, but the feet and toes partly of clay and partly of iron show it shall be a divided kingdom (Daniel 2 v. 41).
The Vision of Daniel 7
In chapter 7, Daniel has a vision of four beasts coming up out of the sea. In Daniel and Revelation the "sea" represents the spiritual realm. This means these kingdoms, especially the fourth kingdom, are controlled by the spiritual realm that opposes the Lamb of God.
Daniel is told that the beasts represent four kingdoms: - A beast (Babylon) like a lion with eagle's wings (Daniel 7 v. 4).
- A beast (Medes-Persians) like a bear, raised up on one side, with three ribs between its teeth (Daniel 7 v. 5).
- A beast (Seleucid Greeks) like a leopard with four wings of fowl and four heads (Daniel 7 v. 6).
- A fourth beast (Islam), with large iron teeth and ten horns (Daniel 7 v. 7-8).
This is explained as a fourth kingdom, different from all the other kingdoms; it "will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it" (Daniel 7 v. 23). The ten horns are ten demonic kings who will come from this kingdom (Daniel 7 v. 24).
A further horn (the "little horn" in Daniel 7:8) with a mouth and eyes--meaning this now is a human, then appears. This little horn was Umar, the rider on the black horse in Revelation chapter 6.
THE TERRIBLE FOURTH KINGDOM ATTEMPTS TO TAKE AWAY THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS CHRIST UMAR IS THE RIDER ON THE BLACK HORSE IN REVELATION CHAPTER 6 JESUS TELLS US HOW TO IDENTIFY THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF REVELATIONJesus said a false Revelation would come into the world. Jesus said this some 550 years before the Qur'an was given to Mohammad. Revelation 22:18 (NIV) I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. Revelation 22:19 (NIV) And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.
Jesus is returning soon. The Book of Revelation is directly from Jesus Christ. It is the most important book in the Bible for the world today. The truth is Jesus is the Son of God, died for our sins, and is the only path to the Father and eternal life. Jesus is returning soon. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. His words are always true.
The Old Testament, written hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, contains at least 351 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled through His life, death and resurrection. Mathematically speaking, the odds are staggering of anyone fulfilling a small amount of prophecy. Fulfilling just 8 is impossible!
Jesus gives seven sure signs you are living in the last days.  THE TRUTH OF JESUS FOR MUSLIMS
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