Tuesday 30 June 2020

After fall armyworm havoc and Covid-19, locust invasion is new threat to food security - Massive invasions like those in Pakistan and African countries could spell catastrophe for Nepal where food production is already low, experts say.

Massive invasions like those in Pakistan and African countries could spell catastrophe for Nepal where food production is already low, experts say.

Israeli Cyberattack Blamed for Mysterious Iranian Blast - Of Course It Was Israel But They Are Too Clever To Tell You And The World

Israeli Cyberattack Blamed for Mysterious Iranian Blast

MARK OF THE BEAST - In Michigan, House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees

New post on Now The End Begins

In Michigan, House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees

by Geoffrey Grider


The Michigan House passed a bill making implanted company microchips voluntary for employees, according to a local ABC News report.

People have been placing human implantable microchips in their bodies for years now, and we have chronicled all that for you over the years. Now the state government of Michigan has passed a bill that will call for all state government employees to receive microchips inside their bodies. But don't worry, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the same person who wants due-date abortion, has reassured everyone that it will be 'voluntary'. After thinking about that long and hard, 🤣🤣🤣 is all I have to say about that.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
Is this really where we are, is this actually where things stand, American citizens receiving microchips from the government? Yep, that is exactly where we are. We told you this was coming, welcome to the first wave of 'voluntary' microchip implantations. The second wave will be less voluntary, the third wave will be under Antichrist himself. Hey, all of us born again Christians are booked on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines that will get us out before it gets to heavy, wanna come with us? Click here to get your boarding pass and check-in information. But you better hurry, it takes off soon and very soon.
John MacArthur from Grace To You ministries is wrong, do not take the Mark of the Beast, or have anything to do with the image, name or number of the Antichrist.. God will not forgive you for doing it.

Michigan House passes bill to make employee microchips voluntary

FROM THE JPOST: Michigan State Rep. Bronna Kahle sponsored the successful bill, and while the microchips are not widely used throughout the state she believes they will become standard in the coming years. “With the way technology has increased over the years and as it continues to grow, it’s important Michigan job providers balance the interests of the company with their employees’ expectations of privacy,” said the bill's sponsor Michigan State Rep. Bronna Kahle. "While these miniature devices are on the rise, so are the calls of workers to have their privacy protected."
The bill will be introduced to the State Senate where, if it passes, Governor Gretchen Whitmer will be able to sign the legislation into Michigan law.
The microchips in discussion, are about the size of a large grain of rice inserted between an employees thumb and forefinger to give employees access to different amenities throughout the office. They not battery powered, and are instead activated and used as individual ID for the employee when introduced to a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) reader.
The chips can be used as a key fob for the office, time cards, a credit account for the cafeteria or vending machines, a way to access company laptop or office devices and, more controversially, as a way for employers to track employee productivity.
It can track when a person arrives at work and leaves the building, activities the employee does throughout the day such as accessing the laptop or even what they decide to eat at the cafeteria. Under the bill companies would still be permitted to use the microchip system, however, employees would have the opportunity to opt out if they wished. READ MORE

Predictive Programming Netflix Cartoon In 'SmartMark'

Netflix began showing "Stretch Armstrong & The Flex Fighters" in 2017, and the episode in particular we are showing you here has the characters lining up to happily receive something called a 'smartmark', basically a mobile app that is implanted inside your body. That's how close we are, brothers and sisters, and this is how close the New World Order is to rolling it out. Everything related to COVID-19, the global lockdowns, the crashing of the world's economies, the digital Immunity Passports, and now the race riots are all connected and will bring the entire world to the doorstep of Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Race Is Not What Is Dividing Us

Race Is Not What Is Dividing Us
My fellow-Americans, we are being sold a bill of goods. Race is not what is dividing us. Rather, we are being divided by competing ideologies. Let us put our focus where it belongs.

Sunday 21 June 2020



ESTHER KRAKUE: I dared to question the aims of Black Lives Matter - and got the worst racist abuse I've ever suffered

When I first moved to the UK from Ghana with my family in my early teens, the country that welcomed me was one where multiculturalism flourished and neighbours were warm and unassuming.
Your achievements were not prefaced by the colour of your skin or your place on the totem pole of identity politics.
People from ethnic and racial minorities were not constantly looking over their shoulders and assuming that every social interaction was laced with disdain or racism. It was a Britain where confidence trumped victimhood.
Esther Krakue, a political commentator and writer
Esther Krakue, a political commentator and writer
But, much to my dismay, the tone has shifted entirely, and worryingly, over the past five years.
Now I, a 24-year-old black woman of West African heritage, am expected to be mortally offended if someone dares assume that my dark skin might signal heritage not native to the British Isles.
I am expected to voice loudly my approval of white liberals who inform me of my inherent oppression as a ‘woman of colour’.
Amid the demonstrations and tumult of recent weeks, I have grown increasingly concerned about the methods and the wider far-Left political agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement here in the UK.
I have been horrified to watch this ridiculous campaign of tearing down statues and relics of British heritage escalate. It is a campaign that has yet to make any progress in tangibly helping me as a black person. And in recent weeks I have been increasingly vocal on Twitter about my concerns. But in doing so I have become targeted by a wave of vile online abuse.

Saturday 20 June 2020

The Satanic Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey Wishes "Many More Happy Conquests and Invasions"

Turkey: ErdoÄŸan Wishes "Many More Happy Conquests"

by Burak Bekdil  •  June 20th 

  • In Turkish jargon, the difference is simple: It is "conquest" when we do it and "invasion" when others do it.
  • In this year's celebrations, President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan raised the stakes when he spoke of the conquest prospectively not just retrospectively. "I am wishing that God grant this nation many more happy conquests," he said....
  • A serious question remains to be asked: When ErdoÄŸan wished God to grant Turks "many more happy conquests" which non-Turkish lands is he hoping to "conquer"?
The venue for this year's Turkish celebrations of the 1453 conquest of Constantinople was not chosen randomly: it was the stunning edifice of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (pictured), built in the sixth century Byzantine Empire as the centerpiece of its capital. President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan personally commemorated the conquest with Islamic prayers at the Hagia Sophia, a UNESCO world heritage site. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
In Turkey, every May 29 brings up the country's "conquest fetish." Turks are proud that their Ottoman ancestors, in 1453, "conquered" (not "invaded") then-Constantinople, today's Istanbul. It is bizarre enough that a proud nation is commemorating, every year, the capture from another nation of its biggest city by the "force of sword." This year's 567th anniversary was no exception: The celebrations euphemistically referred to the fall of Constantinople as "conquest" -- not "invasion."
In Turkish jargon the difference is simple: it is "conquest" when we do it and "invasion" when others do it. In this year's celebrations, President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan raised the stakes when he spoke of the conquest prospectively not just retrospectively. "I am wishing that God grant this nation many more happy conquests," he said at a celebration where he recited from the Quran.

Thursday 18 June 2020

ANTIFA Is Not ‘Fighting For Freedom’, They Are A Highly-Funded, Organized Militia Force Created To Bring In Communist Revolution To America

New post on Now The End Begins

ANTIFA Is Not ‘Fighting For Freedom’, They Are A Highly-Funded, Organized Militia Force Created To Bring In Communist Revolution To America

by Geoffrey Grider


Like their Marxist comrades, ANTIFA seeks to destroy the American emphasis on liberty under law and to impose a revival of one of history’s most repressive ideologies from the Communist Revolution of 1917.

The very name of Planned Parenthood would lead to you believe that they seek to help people plan to become parents, when the exact opposite is true, they exist to prevent people from becoming parents by murdering their children. So it is with ANTIFA, a name that implies they are anti-fascist, when in fact they are the most resolutely virulent fascist organization in America, and around the globe.
ANTIFA wears the black and red colors so favored by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, they wear masks and hoods to hide their identities like the Ku Klux Klan does, and they smash all those who oppose them with pipes and bats, setting fire to whole city blocks in the name of freedom. This is not freedom, it is anarchy, and it is demonic. It is also highly-funded by people like George Soros through his Open Society Foundation. ANTIFA is a hate group, a domestic terror organization of the highest level, and you cannot be rightly called a Christian if you support them.

Antifa Is Not Fighting For Freedom, But For Communist Revolution

FROM THE FEDERALIST: In the immediate aftermath of the Charlottesville violence, several prominent figures—including CNN anchor Chris Cuomo and Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic—equated left-wing “Antifa” activists with the thousands of Allied soldiers who stormed Normandy’s beaches to invade Adolf Hitler’s “Fortress Europe” on D-Day.
A more appropriate equation would be with the thousands of soldiers in the Red Army, who brutally marched toward Berlin, where they would establish Soviet hegemony in the so-called German Democratic Republic after defeating Hitler.
June 19th Join Refuse Fascism Contingents at Defend Black Lives Protests
Antifa returns to the news this week. On Tuesday night, former Breitbart.com editor Milo Yiannopoulos spoke at California State University, Fullerton in a program sponsored by that university’s College Republicans. Seven were arrested amid reports of head-punching and pepper-spraying. Protesters of the event chanted “Cops and the Klan go hand in hand!” and held signs reading “Only socialist revolution can defeat capitalist reaction.” In February, Antifa militants committed such mayhem while protesting Yiannopoulos’ appearance at the University of California at Berkeley that university officials cancelled his speech at the last minute.
"Modern Antifa groups in the United States and Europe have been documented to receive funding and support from Leftist radicals such as George Soros’ Open Society groups. Antifa’s behavior has been likened to the intimidating goon squads of Hitler’s Brown Shirts or Mussolini’s Black Shirts. Recently they tried to shut down any free speech or protests by conservatives in the United States and Europe. East Germany is another Antifa epicenter much like Portland, Oregon. Antifa joined the Occupy Wall Street movement in America." - ANTIFA: SATAN'S COMMUNISTS AND ANARCHISTS
On Saturday, Antifa will join other leftist groups in massive nationwide protests designed to force President Donald Trump’s administration out of office. Organizing those protests is “Refuse Fascism,” which declares that “in the name of humanity, we REFUSE to accept a Fascist America!”
Despite antiseptic portrayals throughout American media, Antifa are more than “anti-fascists.” Antifa represent the chaos of Germany’s Weimar Republic and provide the violent complement to academic neo-Marxism. Like their philosophical comrades, Antifa seek to destroy the American emphasis on liberty under law and to impose a revival of one of history’s most repressive ideologies.

Antifa Is Anti-West and Anti-Capitalist

Bernd Langer, whose “80 Years of Anti-Fascist Action” was published by Germany’s Association for the Promotion of Anti-Fascist Literature, succinctly defined the rhetorical subterfuge. “Anti-fascism is a strategy rather than an ideology,” wrote Langer, a former Antifa member, for “an anti-capitalist form of struggle.”
Short for the German phrase, “Antifaschistische Aktion,” Antifa served as the paramilitary arm of the German Communist Party (KPD), which the Soviet Union funded. In other words, Antifa became the German Communists’ version of the Nazis’ brown-shirted SA.
The KPD made no secret of Antifa’s affiliation. A 1932 photo of KPD headquarters in Berlin prominently displayed the double-flagged Antifa emblem among other Communist symbols and slogans. In a photo from the 1932 Unity Congress of Antifa in Berlin, the double-flagged banner shared space with the hammer and sickle and with two large cartoons. One supported the KPD, the other mocked the SPD, Germany’s Social Democratic Party.
Today’s Antifa embrace those roots. During February’s protest in Berkeley, masked Antifa agitators caused nearly $100,000 in damage by starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting bystanders with pepper spray and flagpoles, painting graffiti on nearby businesses, and destroying automatic teller machines. “Refuse Fascism,” the group organizing Saturday’s protests, is controlled by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, which seeks to create a Marxist United States through violent revolution.

Law and Order Are Among Antifa’s Enemies

Antifa’s goal to suppress “fascism” reflects the views of neo-Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse. “A policy of unequal treatment would protect radicalism on the Left against that on the Right,” Marcuse wrote in “Repressive Tolerance,” his 1965 essay. “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left” extending “to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word.”
Marcuse dismissed the idea of individual liberty protected by law in favor of a Marxist society favoring ostensibly oppressed groups at the expense of everybody else. Such a society, Marcuse wrote, would demand “the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements” that not only “promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion” but also “oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc.” and “may necessitate new and rigid restrictions on teachings and practices in the educational institutions.”
Marcuse even justified violence: “there is a ‘natural right’ of resistance for oppressed and overpowered minorities to use extralegal means if the legal ones have proved to be inadequate,” Marcuse wrote. “Law and order are always and everywhere the law and order which protect the established hierarchy; it is nonsensical to invoke the absolute authority of this law and this order against those who suffer from it and struggle against it … for their share of humanity. If they use violence, they do not start a new chain of violence but try to break an established one.”
In expressing his contempt for “the sacred liberalistic principle of equality for ‘the other side,’” Marcuse maintained in 1968 ”that there are issues where either there is no ‘other side’ in any more than a formalistic sense, or where ‘the other side’ is demonstrably ‘regressive’ and impedes possible improvement of the human condition.”

Elements of Today’s Left Embrace Marcuse’s Ideas

K-Su Park, a University of California at Los Angeles law fellow, reflected Marcuse’s thought when in an op-ed in The New York Times she challenged the American Civil Liberties Union to reconsider its approach to the First Amendment. The ACLU represented Jason Kessler, who organized the “Unite The Right” rally and sued the City of Charlottesville for revoking his permit for the protest.
The ACLU’s approach “implies that the country is on a level playing field, that at some point it overcame its history of racial discrimination to achieve a real democracy, the cornerstone of which is freedom of expression,” Park wrote. “Other forms of structural discrimination and violence also restrict the exercise of speech, such as police intimidation of African-Americans and Latinos. The danger that communities face because of their speech isn’t equal.”
Park’s fellowship is with UCLA’s critical race studies program. Critical race studies comes from critical theory, a sociological approach developed by Germany’s neo-Marxist Frankfurt School, where Marcuse was a leading thinker. Johns Hopkins professor N.D.B. Connolly blended Marcuse’s philosophy with Antifa’s militancy in a Washington Post op-ed, where he compared the United States’ racial history to a game of rock-paper-scissors.
“For a long while, we’ve been throwing a lot of ‘paper,’” Connolly wrote. “Liberalism — our paper — preserves our country’s long commitment to contracts. Under liberalism, citizens stand in contract with their government. The government’s job, in turn, has been to enforce contracts between individuals and groups. Truly, when people ask for rights, be they women’s rights, gay and transgender rights, or rights as people of color, they are asking for contract rights.”

‘Rock Breaks Scissors’

But racism, Connolly argued, serves as scissors: “Right at the country’s founding, racists cut black and indigenous people out of liberalism’s contract. Black bodies and Native American land did not deserve the protection of contract. They deserved bondage and expropriation.”
The solution? “No matter its form, rock breaks scissors,” Connolly wrote. “A half-century ago, nothing less than radical anti-racism could reduce white supremacy to an outlaw religion. … In April 1968, amid a flurry of other ‘rocks,’ riots shook American cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It took that rolling unrest … to spur President Lyndon Johnson and Congress to action. Within a week they had passed the Fair Housing Act.”
Connolly concluded by advocating similar measures. “Segregationists have again assumed their pedestals in the Justice Department, the White House and many other American temples,” he wrote. ”Paper alone won’t drive them out. Start throwing rocks.” In slandering those who hold opposing views, and in essentially calling Martin Luther King Jr. a failure, Connolly reflected the true “Antifa” spirit: Neo-Marxism über alles. READ MORE

George Soros Funded ANTIFA Burns Down America

Antifa represents organized and continuous intimidation and physical violence against whoever is against their credence of anarchy with no government. Antifa arose from para-military factions and has been likened to a militia. Marxist Antifa-progenitors first arose in the Russian Communist Revolution starting in 1917 and were instrumental in bringing down the Russian government. Antifa groups then migrated to Germany.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


The Gaza Hamas Does Not Want You To See
The Palestinian terror group Hamas has warned Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to stop publishing photos from the Gaza Strip on social media platforms. Hamas is worried that the photos and videos would reveal to the world a different reality of the situation in the Gaza Strip -- a reality that runs contrary to all the stories and images of "poverty," "misery" and "suffering" of Palestinians there.

Monday 15 June 2020

MARK OF THE BEAST - Predictive Programming In Netflix Kids Cartoon ‘Stretch Armstrong’ Shows People Lining Up To Take ‘SmartMark’ Implantable Digital Identification

New post on Now The End Begins

Predictive Programming In Netflix Kids Cartoon ‘Stretch Armstrong’ Shows People Lining Up To Take ‘SmartMark’ Implantable Digital Identification

by Geoffrey Grider


Will you spend the time we have left trying to get something done for the Lord Jesus Christ before we fly? That's what I have resolved to do, leave it all on the field, full throttle from here to eternity. Are you with me?

Day and night, since 2009 in general and from the start of 2020 in particular, we here at Now The End Begins have been warning you that the Mark of the Beast is coming. We have shown you countless articles about Bill GatesID2020, the Microsoft patent #060606 of the human implantable device to buy and sell cryptocurrency, and many other articles all warning of the same thing. But you know it's really close and ready to roll out when the New World Order releases it a predictive programming kids cartoon on Netflix.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
Netflix began showing "Stretch Armstrong & The Flex Fighters" in 2017, and the episode in particular we are showing you here has the characters lining up to happily receive something called a 'smartmark', basically a mobile app that is implanted inside your body. That's how close we are, brothers and sisters, and this is how close the New World Order is to rolling it out. Everything related to COVID-19, the global lockdowns, the crashing of the world's economies, the digital Immunity Passports, and now the race riots are all connected and will bring the entire world to the doorstep of Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast.
"Only one life, “twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last. Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say,”Thy will be done”; And when at last I’ll hear the call, I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”; Only one life,’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last. ” CT Studd
Open your eyes, people, the wolf is at the door and time is nearly gone. Will you spend the time we have left trying to get something done for the Lord Jesus Christ before we fly? That's what I have resolved to do, leave it all on the field, full throttle from here to eternity. Are you with me?
Did Illuminati Predictive Programming Foretell Us About Helicopter Crash That Killed Kobe Bryant In Chamberlain Heights Cartoon From 2017?