Friday on “CNN Newsroom,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom sounded off on his recently-announced mandate that school children will be required to take a coronavirus vaccine for to attend in-person classes, in addition to carrying their Microsoft 'Daily Pass' vaccination passport.
I grew up across the river from New York City, and would eventually attend school there, and I used to loved to walk the streets and people watch. Among my favorites to observe were the out of town tourists who attempted in vain to beat the hucksters at the 'shell game'. I never did see someone able to outwit the con artists who were the absolute master of the 'now you see it, now you don't' bait and switch. So it is with end times news, so much happens, like yesterday's vaccine mandate in California, that you've already forgotten that Bill Gates already installed his Mark of the Beast prototype 'Daily Pass' portal that was just sitting there waiting for a vaccine mandate. Chocolate, say hello to peanut butter.
"Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you." Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)
When you look at California, what do you see? Beautiful beaches, amazing sunsets and the bright lights of Hollywood? That's what most people see, but not me. When I look at California in 2021, I see an end times trial balloon where once the kinks are worked out, will become the new American city model. I look at California and I see Bill Gates human control system called 'Daily Pass', rolled out earlier this year. I see the governor of California now forcing all school kids to receive the COVID-19 vaccine whether they want it or not, whether they need it or not. Put those two together and what do you have? Revelation 13 and just waiting for that beast to rise up out of the sea. That's what I see, and that's exactly where we are. Coming soon to a town near you. Bill Gates may be insane, but so far, everything he said was coming has arrived. You should believe him.
CA Gov. Newsom Defends Vaccine Mandate — ‘Just Another of the Many, Many Doses of Vaccines that Are Extending Their Lives’
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Newsom defended the mandate, describing it as “just another of the many, many doses of vaccines that are extending” the lives of children and keeping society healthy. The order will go into effect once the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves vaccinations for that particular age group.
“Look, we already mandate 10 vaccines,” Newsom stated. “This is a significant announcement, but it’s probably the most predictable announcement. We require for mumps and measles and rubella and so many other diseases. We require vaccinations, and yet there’s something about this disease that’s become so polarized and so divisive, and it’s tragic.”
“[I] think as this gets socialized, as we lean in, as more states do what California is doing, I think you’re going to see those numbers changed, that anxiety changed, but that’s that’s also — in closing — a big part of our responsibility,” he added. “Reach out to those parents, a lot of good folks out there still with a lot of anxiety, particularly when it comes to our kids, and remind them of all the vaccines their kids are already safely taking and why this is just another of the many, many doses of vaccines that are extending their lives and keeping broadly our society healthy.” READ MORE
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