Why on earth did the RNC end with an incantation to the 'blessed virgin' asking for her intercession and help? That is nothing more than pagan idol worship, and if they're not careful, she's gonna show up.
It is no secret that the Roman Catholic Church teaches and believes that the 'blessed virgin Mary' is the one that hears the prayers of Roman Catholics, is the gateway to Jesus Christ for salvation, and is the 'mediatrix of all graces'. She is the one, official Catholic teaching says, who is 'the redeemer'. They teach this in spite of the fact that none of the things I just mentioned, absolutely zero, are supported within the pages of the King James Bible.
The 'Mary' of the RCC is a pagan idol of their own creation, but shockingly, was the one that the 2020 Republican National Convention was dedicated to and appealed to for intercession.
"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?" Jeremiah 7:18,19 (KJB)
Somehow I missed it, as did most people and prophecy watchers in bible believer circles because I have not yet heard anyone talking about it, but it happened. The closing ceremony of the RNC was the singing of the Roman Catholic anthem and incantation to the 'blessed virgin' known as Ave Maria. In the bible, the phrase 'hail Mary' does not appear, neither does "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen." These statements were added by the Roman Catholic Church nearly 1,500 years after the angel visitation to the actual Mary was recorded in scripture. Roman Catholics, who have been taught only priests can understand the bible, have been brainwashed to believe that the words from the "Hail Mary" are from the bible, but actually only a small segment is scripture. The rest is Roman Catholic idol worshipping fantasy.

So if Donald Trump is the darling of the Laodicean evangelicals that surround him, why on earth did the RNC end with an incantation to the 'blessed virgin' asking for her intercession and help? That is nothing more than pagan idol worship, it is not Christian in any way. But maybe it has something to do with the visit that President Trump and the First Lady made back in June to the graven image idol of 'saint' John Paul II. And maybe it has something to do with Mike Pence's closed door meeting with the pope at the Vatican. And maybe it has something to do with the Abraham Accord which is the next building block in the One World Religion of Chrislam with the pope's Declaration Of Human Fraternity. Now, remove every instance of the word 'maybe' in this paragraph and you'll have figured it out, you'll have cracked the case.
‘Ave Maria’ caps Republican National Convention: ‘Most Catholic moment in American history’
FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: The Republican National Convention concluded with what one commentator has called “the most Catholic moment in American history”: the performance of “Ave Maria” – the “Hail Mary” prayer, put to music. Opera singer Christopher Macchio offered a beautiful rendition of the song, cherished by Catholics, from the Blue Room balcony of the White House after President Donald Trump’s speech officially accepting his party’s nomination to run for reelection.
After the sung prayer to Our Lady, Macchio invited the Trump family and guests gathered on the south lawn of the White House to join in singing “God Bless America” and “America the Beautiful.”
- “God will honor those who honor Him (and those who honor the Mother of God the Son),” proclaimed Dr. Taylor Marshall, Catholic author and a member of Catholics for Trump advisory board. “Ave Maria!!!!”
- “This is the most Catholic moment in American history,” declared conservative Catholic commentator John Zmirak. “Thank New York City, a once great Catholic city, for making potus possible.”
“By all means let's invoke the help of Jesus' mother in protecting our nation & our descendants from those who consider abortion ‘sacred’ and our physical, sexual natures as the tools of fetishists, quack doctors, and pornographers,” continued Zmirak in a subsequent Tweet. “The stakes could not be clearer this election,” he added. READ MORE
RNC End With 'Ave Maria' Incantation To The 'Blessed Virgin'
The Republican National Convention concluded with what one commentator has called “the most Catholic moment in American history”: the performance of “Ave Maria” – the “Hail Mary” prayer, put to music. (NOTE: the Roman Catholic 'Hail Mary' is an incantation summoning the help of the 'blessed virgin', if they're not careful, she'll show up.)
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