EMMANUEL MACRON has been mocked online after posing for pictures zooming around shirtless on a jet ski while enjoying his summer break in the Mediterranean.
This article today about French president Emmanuel Macron is not presented to you as a 'smoking gun', rather as another one of those 'interesting coincidences' that seem to keep following Emmanuel Macron around everywhere he goes. Regular NTEB readers know that we here think
very strongly that Emmanuel Macron is quite possibly the
biblical man of sin, for the countless reasons we have already put forth. Today's image of Macron riding a jet ski emblazoned with the numbers 666 only serves to advance our hypothesis.
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 (KJB)
So while French citizens enjoyed mocking Macron for his GQ attempt with the jet ski photo-op, in the midst of all that laughter was something not very funny at all, and completely overlooked. Hat tip to NTEB'er Lori D for bringing this to our attention. Macron, you'll recall, became president of France with
66.06% of the vote. Another crazy 'coincidence'.

Macron brutally mocked after he's pictured posing on jet ski while France reels from COVID
FROM THE EXPRESS UK: The French president travelled to Fort de Brégançon earlier this month to enjoy his summer holiday. The medieval fortress has been the official retreat of the President of the French Republic since 1968.
During his stay so far, Mr Macron has met with Gisèle Charles, an 80-year-old widow, where he promised more pay for home carers. He also paid a visit to Beirut following the devastating explosion which left at least 200 people dead and chaired a video conference to raise funds for Lebanon. Mr Macron, who has already faced 18 months of protests followed by coronavirus, has now been heavily mocked online for zooming around on a jet ski.
One person wrote on Twitter: “Macron in Bregancon. Our national Rambo training to save the world.”
Another said: “Macron had already done jet-ski in a protected maritime zone while he was on a vacation in Bregancon in 2018.
“Laws and regulations are only for others. This president is a really bad guy. Someone else joked about the thought process the French President must have had ahead of his holiday.
They said: “France has lost half a million jobs.
“Macron replies: ‘I’ll take care of Lebanon and I’m off on my jet ski'.”
Others pointed out the dangers of jet ski accidents and said the “landing will be hard”. One said: “The Macronian conception of ecology is on the front page of ‘Voice’, the presidency’s official communication arm. “If silliness doesn’t kill, jet ski accidents do.”
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