On the last Saturday in February, Chancellor Olaf Scholz gathered in Germany with his top advisers in his vast, glass-walled office to ramp with their war machine as Vladimir Putin was seen attending a Moscow funeral today surrounded by military guards carrying Russia's secret nuclear football briefcase.
If you consider yourself a student of history, then you well know that the ramp up to both world wars happened with virtually the same players, and progressed in very much the same way, nearly identical. What we are watching now, as Germany remilitarizes for the first time since 1945, with Putin carrying the 'nuclear football' with him wherever he goes, with Europe on standby, to me is very reminiscent of how World War I and II came to be.
"Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war." Psalm 140:2 (KJB)
Putin has entered Ukraine successfully, and has no plans to vacate any time soon, knowing full well that NATO allies will do nothing more than sanctions, and the Russian people can well weather those. If you look closely, you will see all of Europe realigning itself just like it did in 1914 and in 1939, because Ecclesiastes 1:9 is still true.
Embracing military power, Olaf Scholz leads Germany into a new era
FROM MSN: As he queried particular phrases in the draft, his advisers proposed alternatives. Scholz, 63, who has known his nation only at peace, was desperate to avert a third world war, said a senior German official who, like others close to the chancellor, spoke on the condition of anonymity to recount private discussions. Initially, that concern made Scholz reluctant to speak of armaments, above all sending weapons to Ukraine.
The visible presence of a top military officer carrying the launch apparatus for the Kremlin’s strategic missiles is thought to be a chilling sign that warmongering Putin could deploy devastating nuclear weapons. The images come seven weeks after the leader put his nuke weapons on alert after lashing out at the NATO alliance over what he claimed were 'aggressive' sanctions. source
But when aides presented the chancellor with the question of arming Ukraine directly or simply releasing German-made weapons purchased by partner nations, a request being weighed the same day, he approved both — assessing that sufficient support existed within his government and party to jettison Germany’s long-standing aversion to exporting weapons into conflict zones.
In the course of the deliberations that day, the chancellor also resolved to make explicit how Germany would develop its arsenal to guard against a widening conflict. The country, whose wars of conquest in the previous century had made the projection of military power verboten, would in effect become the world’s third-largest military spender, not only bolstering NATO deployments but strengthening the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces, with procurements including new armed drones and fighter jets.
“He’s aware of what that means,” said an aide involved in the discussions. “That with growing abilities will also come growing demands and expectations.”
The challenge remained to find the words to announce these policies without alarming the public, recalled Scholz advisers. “We are also doing this for us, for our own security,” the chancellor said in the final version of the speech, which he delivered that Sunday to the German parliament. He declared Russia’s invasion three days earlier, on Feb. 24, a “Zeitenwende,” or “turning of an era.” READ MORE
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