Love Field in Dallas Texas is testing out two Security Control Observation Towers at the airport, one near baggage claim and another near security checkpoints, to figure out whether 'SCOT' robotic assistants can both help customers get around and warn passengers who are breaking rules.
The forward progress of AI and robot technology progressed many fold during the halcyon days of the Plannedemic, as the world got used to wearing masks, keeping 6-feet apart, and mentally acquiescing to a perpetual state of lockdown. The lockdown is continuing as the world is waking up to the fact that we are now controlled by Artificial Intelligence and robot technology. Now in Texas, Dallas Love Field airport is testing 7-ft high robots nicknamed 'SCOT', which stands for Security Control Observation Towers, and they know if you are unmasked. In case no one told you, the giants are coming back.
"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4 (KJB)
Jesus says that the time of Jacob's trouble with its great Tribulation is likened to the 'days of Noah', a time where giants who were created as the result of fallen angels fornicating with human women roamed the earth and caused great wickedness. Jesus says that time will return in the days after He comes to catch out His Bride from off the earth. So while we wait for that, enjoy 'SCOT', the giant 7-ft robot who will soon be tracking you with facial recognition at your local airport. He will not, however, be able to stop you from boarding Flight #777!
7-foot-tall 'SCOT' robots at Dallas Love Field are watching for unmasked travelers and curbside loiterers
FROM THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS: While not quite Robocop, the machines, nicknamed SCOT, were installed a month ago to “determine if they are capable of efficiently supplementing current airport operations,” said Love Field spokeswoman Lauren Rounds. The robots look like many other kiosks at the airport with a touch screen with wayfinding information, maps of parking garages and directions to ride-hailing and shuttle pickup. But SCOT is much smarter, capable of detecting what people are wearing and even whether they’ve got on a face mask.
Airports have been at the forefront of technology, including facial recognition and other biometrics, for years, a trend that worries privacy advocates who say there are few, if any, laws or guidelines about how emerging technology should be used. Amazon took criticism in 2019 after testing its Rekognition technology with police departments before deciding to ban law enforcement from using it two years later.
Standing over 7’ tall, SCOT is capable of manning and monitoring locations 24/7, and at a fraction of the cost of manned security personnel. The unit’s 360° field of view through four high-positioned, hi-resolution, full-color, always-on digital cameras place eyes on property and periphery unlike any other product.
SCOT can be positioned and engaged to monitor and record both human and vehicle activity in any environment, indoors or outdoors. RAD’s feature of SuspectSpotter uses artificial intelligence for accurate detection of persons – and then can perform a variety of actions based on location, time of day and day of week.
But private businesses and airports have been more aggressive, and the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred more emphasis on touchless interactions using computers. Fort Worth-based American Airlines uses facial recognition for some customers to check bags and airports such as DFW partner with the U.S. State Department for facial recognition technology for incoming passengers.
Surveillance technology hasn’t stopped progressing because the rest of the world was in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. In fact, more and more institutions and companies are using artificial intelligence to monitor spaces, said Adam Schwartz, an attorney for digital privacy rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation.
“It is concerning that an airport has installed a new system of artificial intelligence,” Schwartz said. “It raises a lot of questions about what that technology is doing.”
Love Field is one of two airports to start using the technology from the company Robotic Assistance Devices, said the company’s CEO and founder Steve Reinharz. The other airport, which Reinharz said he was not able to disclose, uses a related technology from the company in parking lots to detour thefts and break-ins.
“This has more of a full-circle purpose to be a regular, physical deterrent,” he said. “That’s the direction the industry has to go because we have some significant labor issues.”
The robotic SCOT kiosks can detect passengers and behavior based on rules set by each user, such as the airport. For instance, people driving up to the curbside drop-off area late at night might get a series of verbal warnings that escalate in volume and severity. Finally, the machine can call police, notify on-site security or even allow someone to make an announcement remotely. The machines can also detect flagged individuals based on what they are wearing, especially if they are in areas susceptible to crime, such as baggage claim, Reinharz said.
License plate-scanning cameras can issue warnings to suspicious vehicles or prompt cars to move along if they’ve been waiting too long in passenger pick-up lanes.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company said it also pushed a technology that can detect whether subjects are wearing face masks. Face masks have been a point of contention on airplanes but remain a federal mandate until at least April 18.
“The units currently make scheduled and detection-based announcements directed toward our passengers and visitors,” Rounds said. “Some of these focus on reducing vehicular congestion at our curb using license plate recognition and increasing federal mask compliance using facial recognition technology while others provide standard information.”
The airport isn’t paying for the kiosks now while they test the capabilities, but Dallas Love Field did pay about $4,000 to have them shipped to Texas. READ MORE
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