Amazon.com Inc said it is rolling out biometric technology at its Whole Foods stores around Seattle starting on Wednesday, letting shoppers pay for items with a scan of their palm.
Image a book written 2,000 years ago that perfectly foretells biometric payments attached to the human body with stunning accuracy, that book is your King James Bible. If you have an NIV, ESV, ASV, RSV, Good News For Modern Man or The Message, then you missed it by country mile. Your King James Bible tells you that the Mark of the Beast will be a biometric implant inside the back of your right hand or in your forehead. Amazon One just took a giant step, no, make that two Genesis 6 giant steps forward this week.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
Amazon One palm pay is not the Mark of the Beast, but it is grooming you to accept the Mark when it is offered in the days following the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. Now that biometric technology is advanced sufficiently to allow people to 'buy and sell' using their body, it is a very, very short step to then putting that technology inside your body. I wouldn't give you two literal cents for any of the modern translations, and I wouldn't take 10 million in gold for my copy of God's preserved word that lives within the pages of my King James Authorized Version Holy Bible. Where the 'word of the king is', and all that jazz, that's the ticket.
"Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" Ecclesiastes 8:4 (KJB)
Amazon to let Whole Foods shoppers pay with a swipe of their palm
FROM VERGE: Amazon One is expanding to its biggest area yet: the company is now testing its palm-scanning payment technology in Whole Foods, starting with a single store in Amazon’s home city of Seattle. The company has been using Amazon One payment technology in its Amazon-branded stores in the Seattle area (including Amazon Go and Amazon Books), but the Whole Foods rollout will make the most substantial expansion of the technology yet. The company says that thousands of customers have already signed up with Amazon One.
According to an Amazon FAQ, the palm-scanning technology analyzes “the minute characteristics of your palm — both surface-area details like lines and ridges as well as subcutaneous features such as vein patterns” in order to identify a customer, allowing them to use the biometric scan as an alternative (and, theoretically, faster) method of checking out than fumbling around with a credit card or cash.
Customers will be able to register their palms at kiosks in the supported Whole Foods stores, allowing them to associate a physical credit card to that palm scan. (Amazon One users who have already registered may have to re-link their cards once to be able to use them at Whole Foods.) And of course, Amazon One users will be able to link their Prime accounts to their scans to get the subscription service’s discounts when shopping.
Amazon One will debut at the Madison Broadway Whole Foods in Seattle as an additional payment option for customers, with plans to expand it to seven other Whole Foods stores in the Seattle area over the next few months. Amazon hasn’t announced plans to further build out the palm-scanning payment system outside of the Seattle area.
All of this, of course, assumes that you’re OK with Amazon building an ever-larger database of biometric information linked to its customers, something that some experts have raised concerns about. That’s particularly true given that Amazon’s data — unlike other biometric security systems, like Apple’s Face ID — is stored in on the cloud, rather than secured locally on a specific device. READ MORE
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