On the heels of her split with Southern Baptists, Beth Moore apologizes for supporting a theology that 'restricts women'.
Beth Moore is in the process of slowly, but quite steadily, sliding down the very slippery slope into full-blown Laodiceanism, not that she was ever all that solid to begin with. Over the years, Beth Moore has defended homosexuality, and claimed direct revelation from God with her 'vision' that all the denominations of the Church, including Roman Catholicism. In light of the success Pope Francis has had in launching the One World Religion of Chrislam, she might be onto something.
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve." 1 Timothy 2:9-13 (KJB)
Now I personally have little to no use for the Southern Baptist Convention, an organization that has sliding down the same, slippery slope that Beth Moore has been sliding down, albeit in a different direction. They have replaced the God-honored King James Bible with the rubber sword of the ESV, and has been growing rather soft on preaching against the LGBTQ+ agenda. Beth Moore wants all the trappings of the ministry without actually doing it God's way, she wants one foot in church and the other in the world. Don't let this woman's false teachings take you down the same slippery slope she's traveling on.
Beth Moore Unravels as She Begins to Reveal Her True Views on Biblical Doctrines
FROM WASHINGTON POST: First she shook the evangelical world by leaving the Southern Baptist Convention. Now Beth Moore, arguably the evangelical world’s most famous Bible teacher, has begged forgiveness for supporting the theology of male headship rooted in many evangelical cultures.
In a Twitter thread Wednesday, Moore took aim at complementarianism, the 20th century theological framework that argues men and women were created for different roles and that effectively champions male headship and female submission.
"If you watch the trajectory that Beth Moore has been on, you would see a clear picture of apostasy being painted before your eyes. It’s not that Beth Moore hasn’t been a false teacher since she started teaching falsely years ago–discerning Christians have been pounding that case for years. But it is increasingly evident that Beth Moore has little regard for the actual doctrines of Scripture and is in this to suit her own passions and desires." source
For some evangelicals, complementarianism is a line in the sand. Those who question it are seen as undermining belief in the Bible. Moore said that was wrong.
“Let me be blunt,” Moore tweeted. “When you functionally treat complementarianism — a doctrine of MAN — as if it belongs among the matters of 1st importance, yea, as a litmus test for where one stands on inerrancy & authority of Scripture, you are the ones who have misused Scripture. You went too far.”
She also apologized for her past view on the matter.
“I beg your forgiveness where I was complicit,” she said on social media. “I could not see it for what it was until 2016. I plead your forgiveness for how I just submitted to it and supported it and taught it.”
Some female historians said Moore’s tweets were a decisive shift. Beth Allison Barr, a Baylor University historian and author of “The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth,” likened Moore to the biblical Joshua commanding the people to shout so the walls of Jericho fall down.
“She just shouted,” Barr said. “This is going to be the beginning of the end of complementarianism.”
In an email to Religion News Service, Moore didn’t go quite that far. She said she has not entirely abandoned complementarianism, but no longer sees it as essential.
“I’m not going to be pushed into either category right now because that’s not my point,” Moore wrote in response to a question about whether she was still a complementarian, or its counterpart, an egalitarian. “My point is that it has taken on the importance of a first tier doctrine.”
But apologizing for her role in supporting and teaching that theology, which she had submitted to, is a major step for Moore. READ MORE
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