In an interview with Chinese state media on Monday, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates saluted China – the worst polluter and emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet – and its autocratic ruler Xi Jinping for “making climate a priority.”
Liberal Democrats love to trash America over climate change, and yet, America is not even close to being the worst of the world's polluters, that dubious honor belongs to Communist China. In fact, China is so bad that countries like Canada make a fortune selling them bottled air from Alberta. Funny thing here though, climate bullies like Bill Gates not only never criticize China, ever, he actually applauds their non-existent efforts as 'progress'. But he wants to and I to give up meat to save the planet. China's air pollution is so bad that it even causes smog all the way over in California, yet every Democrat remains silent.
Any wonder I hate the Climate Change Movement as much as I do?
Why do none of the Liberals ever speak out against the world's worst polluter? China also has the world's second largest economy, and in a few years it will overtake America. The Liberals who worship money above all else want to be on China's side in the Great Reset. Here's a news flash - the climate is indeed changing, as the Earth prepares itself for the coming time of judgment that will be greater than anything this planet has ever experienced.
It's all right there in your King James Bible, you should open it up sometime and take a look.
Bill Gates Applauds World’s Worst Polluter China for ‘Making Climate a Priority’
FROM BREITBART NEWS: China’s state news service Xinhua gave Gates a pat on the head for absorbing and repeating Beijing’s promise to achieve “carbon neutrality” in forty years or so. In reality, China is currently building three times more coal power capacity than the entire rest of the planet combined, while people in Texas are suffering from the catastrophic failure of the wind and solar power Gates was enamored of.
“It’s great that President Xi is making climate a priority and wants to work with other countries on this. Without the contributions of China, many of the key ingredients (in fighting climate change) like the batteries and solar power wouldn’t be so affordable,” Gates told Xinhua. “I hope that innovators in China can bring down the cost of green energy enough, so that China can even increase its commitment to use renewable energy in the Belt and Road Initiative,” Gates added.
Belt and Road (BRI) is China’s international infrastructure program, often criticized as thinly-disguised imperialism or “debt-trap colonialism” because it has a tendency to lure Third World governments into borrowing money from Chinese banks they can never repay. Contrary to Gates’ wishful thinking, BRI is investing a great deal of money in dirty power plants to increase electrical capacity in Third World nations.
Gates called on China and the United States to cooperate on research and development for green energy, ostensibly reducing the “green premium” for the rest of the world by shouldering the burden of making the technology cost-efficient.
According to Xinhua, Gates said, “climate change and innovation are areas that China and the United States could achieve big win-win results.” Win-win cooperation is one of the Chinese Communist Party’s favorite slogans, a phrase parroted endlessly by Xi Jinping and his officials, especially when they are attempting to deflect criticism from human rights advocates.
Gates is hardly the only self-professed environmental activist to give China a free pass for its greenhouse gases, rampant pollution, and absolute refusal to compromise its industrial goals the way Western nations are expected to do.
China is pumping out more greenhouse gas than America and Europe combined, and even if it started tomorrow, it would be nearly impossible for it to meet the lofty goals that entrance foreign activists. For a variety of reasons, many of these activists judge Beijing solely on its extravagant promises – peak CO2 emissions by 2030! Carbon neutral by 2060! – and never on what it is actually doing.
Unlike Western nations, China does not have to worry about any homegrown activists blowing the whistle on its environmental crimes. Despite Gates’ wistful talk about how America and China both have “amazing smart people in the younger generation who would be proud” to work on climate issues, China has exactly one famous teenage climate activist, and she was harassed by the authorities, terrorized by the police, blocked from the Internet, and kicked out of school for her troubles. READ MORE
Bill Gates: 'We should not call this the Chinese virus'
Bill Gates took to Reddit on Thursday to answer the community's questions about the COVID-19 outbreak. During the discussion, one netizen asked, "Why did Bill step down from his roles before the Chinese virus escalated?" Gates answered the question and then made a correction: "We should not call this the Chinese virus."
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