First of all, there is no such nation as Palestine and never was there one either. If you want to be pedantic, it should be modern Jordan, but in reality they never existed as such, and probably never will either if the Lord gets His way.
Secondly, this land is not "disputed" at all because it all belongs to the Hebrew nation as awarded to them by YAHWEH GOD in Genesis 15:18 when they were confirmed as owners of The Promised Land - and note where - YES, from the Nile to the Euphrates, and not just slithers of land in Judea, Samaria, and the West Bank.
Look at these two maps again and remind yourslves of this promise from YAHWEH. It might not become a reality until Jesus returns to teach these worldly leaders a major lesson (Psalm 2), but hear my words friends.

Maranatha Blessings,
Neville Stephens.
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