Imagine pulling up to a supermarket and seeing a big red number on a digital sign outside. Instead of enticing you to come inside with sale prices or specials, this sign is estimating the amount of distance between people inside, suggesting that you stay away until the store is less crowded.
There is an old expression that talks about the fog coming in on "little cat's feet", which is to say it came in slowly and stealthily. You never really saw it coming but all of a sudden it was right there in front of you. That's precisely how the New World Order is bringing in the full-time, always on, human monitoring system, slowly, certainly, and stealthily.
"The world can therefore seize the opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind." - President George H.W. Bush, 1991
Here in St. Johns County in Florida where I live, we have about 2,000 cases of COVID-19, with 12 people having died so far. That is a death rate of 0.6%, meaning that 99.4% of people in my county who catch it will not die from COVID-19. Yet, we are now forced to wear masks, forced to social distance, and soon forced to take the vaccine. That's a lot of mileage from a disease that has such a high rate of survivability. But this is not about protecting you from a virus, it's about locking you down and becoming compliant to the system.
What you are seeing is The Great Reset that you have been warned in every decade since the end of WWII was coming. It has arrived and this is what it looks like.
Smart cameras will soon check if you’re social distancing and wearing a mask
FROM FAST COMPANY: Far-fetched as it may seem, at least three companies are now racing to build surveillance systems that could make this scenario possible during the coronavirus pandemic. By combining conventional security cameras with artificial intelligence, they hope to identify where people are getting too close to one another or not wearing masks. That way, people can make smarter decisions about going out, and employers can figure out how to create safer work environments.
“You already are hearing about things like ‘Waze for occupancy and people movement,’ as opposed to vehicle movements—not just self-reporting, but automated reporting on traffic information of people in different indoor locations and public areas,” says Mahesh Saptharishi, the CTO of Motorola Solutions, which is developing a system of this kind. “I think that’s just going to be more common until people feel safe enough.”
Beyond Fever Detection
So far, most of the coronavirus surveillance hype has centered on thermal cameras, which use infrared sensors to pick out people who might have a fever. John Honovich, the founder of the video surveillance trade publication IPVM, says that on a scale of 1 to 10, interest in fever cameras is “like 110—it’s totally off the charts.”
Temperature-sensing cameras aren’t a panacea, though. Honovich and several other experts say the technology can be inaccurate, and IPVM has accused one vendor of faking some of its marketing. Besides, fever detection doesn’t help at all with coronavirus carriers who have no symptoms. Estimates on the rate of asymptomatic COVID-19 cases have ranged from 25% to 80% of those infected.
“Things like fever detection can be useful, but if people are not social distancing to begin with and are not wearing masks, it’s not going to be preventative,” Saptharishi says.
As more states push to reopen certain businesses and relax stay-at-home orders, companies in the surveillance business are developing technology to help enforce social distancing. Motorola’s Avigilon subsidiary, for instance, is developing software for its latest-generation security cameras that will detect when people are standing too close or not wearing masks.
Scientists have recommended staying at least six feet apart to reduce the risk of contracting the virus through particles in the air. By identifying hot spots where people are violating those guidelines, building managers could figure out how to structure their stores and workspaces and could avoid sending in too many people at the same time.
Motorola hopes to start deploying this solution by the end of June, primarily for offices and factories, though supermarkets and retail stores could make use of the technology as well.
“The assumption that many facility managers have to make right now is that everybody coming into the facility is COVID-positive, so how do you minimize infection?” Saptharishi says.
The Race To Measure Distancing
Motorola isn’t the only company that’s looking to enforce social distancing through AI surveillance. San Mateo-based Camio is also building a system to detect when people are congregating too closely or failing to wear masks. While Motorola’s system requires specific cameras and runs offline, Camio’s product works with any security camera through cloud-based software.
Carter Maslan, a former Google Maps product director who is now Camio’s CEO, says the social distancing product is a “wartime repurpose” story. Camio originally developed it to detect corporate instances of “tailgating,” in which one person swipes an entry card and several other people slip in behind. By drawing a grid in 3D space, Camio determines when people are standing too close, then presents those images in a searchable database.
“It’s just amazing how hard it is for people to maintain distance,” Maslan says. “It’s completely unnatural. You have to put tape on the floor to remind them, or put cones down outside the vestibule of an entrance.”
Like Motorola, Camio is targeting factories and offices that must decide how to space out their employees and where to put down social distancing markers, but it’s trying to get into more public-facing areas as well. One highway rest area in Connecticut, for instance, will be testing a system that shuts the entrance down to new vehicles when crowd density gets too high. Camio is working with Sabio Solutions, an IT integration company in Mexico City, on several other initiatives, including a solution for retail stores that warns visitors about the level of crowding inside.
James Siojo, Sabio Solutions’s CEO, describes a “Social Distancing Factor,” which is essentially a score based on the amount of space between people—measured through Camio’s algorithms—and the percentage of people wearing masks. Each organization would be responsible for setting thresholds that it considers dangerous, and the resulting score and its associated color coding could help people decide whether to visit a store. It would take some pressure off employees to enforce social distancing themselves.
The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order
For months we have seen our way of life change dramatically. We have been told time and time again things will never be the same and we must accept the new normal. Now the social engineers have revealed their hand and officially launched their solution to this crisis. The proposed solution is the Great Reset. In this report we examine what exactly is the great reset and who is involved. We also explore what the Great Reset means for humanity as face unprecedented times.
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