Taliban Carry Allah's Mark--His Statement of Faith
Billions Deceived By this Spirit that Says "I Will Make Myself Like the Most High”
Such Power--Yet Today Just One Third of the Sea Is Dead
What Does the Bible Say Will Happen When All of the Sea Is Dead? Today the war rages between the Christ and the antichrist. Yet the world and even most Christians are asleep. Many are looking for a human antichrist, even though the Bible says it is a spirit (1 John 4:3 "Every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already"). The spirit of the antichrist was already in the world at the time of the Apostles.
Most of the world, including more than half of all Christians, leaders such the Pope, American presidents, and others believe the Allah of the Qur'an is the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Allah of the Qur'an is not the true God. This is the antichrist--the powerful spirit that opposes Jesus as the Son of God and opposes his atoning sacrifice that is the only path to the Father.
The antichrist spirit is not God, but a spirit of extreme power (Baal) that has always desired to be like the most high.
The Taliban carry everywhere the mark of this antichrist--the Shahada of allegiance to Allah and his false prophet. Today in Afghanistan we a see a picture into the future of what all the world will look like when all of the sea is dead. That is, the Bible says all of the spiritual world is "dead" in the eyes of the true God because they are aligned with the beast.
The Shahada contains the Allah's name. Remember the Bible tells us the "mark contains its name" (Revelation 13:16-17) and we know the Shahada was finalized in the year 666.
The mark of the beast in Revelation prophecy is not a microchip in a COVID vaccine from Bill Gates. That is a deception. To understand the spiritual importance of the image and the mark, we must understand they are an abomination to the true God, and yet most important to those that worship a false god. In other words, they are important to both Christ and the antichrist spirit.

The Islamic Shahada (the mark) and daily prayer and pilgrimage to the Kaaba (the image) are key worship parts of the Five Pillars of Islam. This is the meaning of the mark and image Jesus warned about in Revelation.
Jesus warned everyone about this some 550 years before the spirit appeared to Mohammad with a false story about Jesus. This spirit is the "prince who is to come" and who also "takes away the sacrifice" (Daniel 9:26-27). This spirit said "I will make myself like the most high" (Isaiah 14:13-15). FULL ARTICLE AT: When Does the Bible Say Everyone Will Be Forced to Take the Mark of Allah? |
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