Friday, 18 June 2021

The Mark of the Empire & the Transformed Human" by Kimberley Rogers-Brown From "BEAST WATCH NEWS"



The new normal that we all find ourselves trapped in has a reality to it that few realize the meaning of. The new normal is a slavery of such a magnitude that it can barely be described. It is much greater and worse than the first slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and that’s the point. Those Israelites were only put to hard labor. Today’s Israelites will be put to death.

Empires used to mark their slaves in various ways. Most often, this was done through tattoos, branding with hot irons, even cutting off ear lobes and the end of noses. Those markings were instantaneous and permanent. This last evil empire is using a process which is also permanent but not instantaneous. It is a slow drip from the end of a needle that changes human DNA.

This marking has already begun and it is a process this time, and it designed to trap Israelites. Let me define a Biblical Israelite: Israelites are those from the 12 tribes who know this one crucial thing – that Yeshua is both their God and King.

Humans are now being changed from human to trans-human with each and every COVID shot. By slowly transforming humans into trans-humans, a combination of human and machine, they become unredeemable by YHVH much to Satan’s delight!

In the days of Noah, demons mated with human women who then bore half demon, half human babies. Satan has been in the business of destroying YHVH’s creation from the beginning. Over the eons, interbreeding between animal species and the hybridizing and GMO’ing of plants and animals at the behest of ha Satan have become commonplace. Many do not think of this as perversion but it is.

Humans are still in Satan’s crosshairs but his conquering no longer comes through military sieges and taking captives in the former way. The military attacks will come later but right now the marking is happening before any military attacks. Enslavement comes from the end of a needle and the jabbed become permanent captives to Satan.

FULL ARTICLE AT: The Mark of the Empire & the Transformed Human | Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines %

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