Pope Francis speaks to French President Emmanuel Macron by phone, discussing his recent visit to Iraq and the challenges of a post-Covid world.
Like the gift that keeps on giving, Emmanuel Macron does not disappoint. We learn today that Macron had another private phone audience with Pope Francis, for the better part of an hour, and they had two urgent topics to discuss. The first being the huge Chrislam victory Pope Francis scored with his trip to UR of the Chaldees, and the second being how to rule and control a post-COVID world.
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 (KJB)
At this point, it is hard to say who's controlling whom. Is it Pope Francis leading Macron around by the nose, or, is it Macron who is pulling the marionette strings? Certainly there is a type of love and a deep bond between them. Are we looking at the biblical Man of Sin and the False Prophet of Revelation 13? Time will tell, maybe this is just another tantalizing prophetical appetizer, or maybe it's the real thing. Better be prepared either way, Flight #777 beckons.
Pope Francis speaks with French President Emmanuel Macron
FROM VATICAN NEWS: Pope Francis and France’s President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone on Sunday, according to a press release from the President’s Office at Élysée Palace. The call, which was requested by the Pope, marks the fifth time the two world leaders have spoken since Macron’s election in 2017.
Their conversation reportedly lasted around 40 minutes, and came after President Macron sent the Pope a message on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of his election to the papacy.
The last time they spoke was October 30th of last year, after the attacks on the Cathedral of Nice, which killed 3 people.
Iraq visit ‘a turning point’
The Élysée press office said that during their Sunday conversation the two spoke at length about Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Journey to Iraq. Macron said the visit marked “a true turning point” for the Middle Eastern region. The pair also dwelt on their “thoughts and concerns” about several crises affecting various parts of the globe.
These included “the expansion of jihadism in Africa—both in the Sahel region and the continent’s east coast”, as well as the critical situation in Lebanon.
Post-pandemic world
According to the Élysée press statement, President Macron also spoke to the Pope about the “challenges of a post-Covid world”. Pope Francis published a book with British journalist Austen Ivereigh on the subject, in which he said humanity has been given the opportunity to build a better world after the pandemic. Soon after the start of the pandemic, the Pope set up a special Vatican Covid-19 Commission, to help humanity think about the challenges it faces moving forward. READ MORE
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