To pay she simply looks at her reflection in a small LCD screen attached to the cashier's counter. Then to add her preferred amount of tip she flashes a quick peace sign at the monitor. Welcome to Facepay, the new biometric currency.
Today on our Prophecy News Podcast, we talked about the aims and goals of something called The Fourth Industrial Revolution, a paradigm shift currently underway right now by the New World Order heavyweights like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. As you read this, Davos 2021 is busy mapping out our short-term global future, and it includes lovely little goodies like biometric currency known as FacePay. Currently it's all the rage in Europe and Asia, and as the old saying goes, coming soon to a theater near you. Or in you. Yep, that's the plan.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
Think about what an honour it is to be alive in this time, that the God of Abraham has allowed you and I to live long enough to see these long-prophesied events coming to life and taking place as we watch. As the dispensation of the Church Age is coming to a close, we are watching the incoming dispensation preparing to meet Antichrist, that literally how close we are. Doctrinally speaking, the end times begin when Flight #777 takes off, in the meantime, enjoy the previews of coming attractions.
Welcome To The Currency Of The Future, Facepay
FROM ACTIVIST POST: To pay she simply looks at her reflection in a small LCD screen attached to the cashier's counter. Then to add her preferred amount of tip she flashes a quick peace sign at the monitor. The entire process takes less than five seconds, and is entirely contactless. Moreover, Ms Stewart doesn't need to carry her mobile phone or bank card with her, or show any form of identification, or even enter a pin number.
Welcome to the futuristic world of facial recognition payment. It might sound like something from a science fiction movie, but this kind of transaction is already happening millions of times a day across China's major cities. With the technology now being introduced in the US, and other countries such as Denmark and Nigeria, are we all going to be using it within a few years' time? And, are there data security and privacy issues that we should worry about?
Ms Stewart, an 18-year-old university student, says she has no such concerns. "I feel like technology is moving so fast that people don't even think twice about using something like this. Our phones already read our faces, and our faces are already all over the internet, so I don't think it really makes much of a difference to someone's security. It's faster, more convenient, and safer... and you don't have to worry about leaving your phone or cards at home."
She uses facial recognition payment, via a US tech start-up called PopID. You sign up via its website, by uploading a photograph of your face, which is stored on the firm's cloud-based system. You then link your account to your bank card. In addition, you can choose to use PopID's hand gesture tipping tool. Ms Stewart has set this at thumbs up for 10%, the peace sign for 15%, and the shaka or "hang loose" sign for 20%.
PopID is based in Los Angeles, and is now used by about 70 independent restaurants and cafes across a handful of US cities, mainly on the West Coast. The firm's chief executive John Miller says: "Our view is that using your face to pay is no different [than using your phone].
"It's just another way to identify yourself. The digital picture taken at point of sale is destroyed immediately, and the data isn't shared with anyone."
In fact, he argues that it's less intrusive than paying by your mobile phone, because a phone can track your location at all times via GPS. He adds that the photos stored by PopID are mathematical maps of unique facial vectors, not actual photographs. Currently PopID requires the user to temporarily lower his or her facemask, but the firm says it is updating its systems so that this will not have to be done in the future. READ MORE
FacePay - facial recognition based payments
World's first integrated Face recognition based payment system for Mobile as well as POS. At FacePay, we enable people to walk without wallets and even travel wallet free. We use the cloud technologies along with camera to enable your wallet to be anywhere you need. All of us heard this: My voice is my password. Now with Facepay, your face is your wallet. Pay by simply being in the store, anywhere. Or by using your face as your ID in e-commerce.
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