Sunday, 31 January 2021
WHAT UTTER MADNESS AND SHEER LUNACY IS THIS AS: Black Lives Matter Riots Saw 12 People Murdered With $2 Billion In Damage, Now They’re Nominated For A Nobel Peace Prize??
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The End Times Forecaster With His "2021 Prophecy Predictions And Forecast"
Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:47 PM PST
Here are some things that are end times prophecy connected that may develop into major events in 2021.
There are still many bits of intel going around that “it’s not over,” that the military is in control, that Trump is coming back, that people are being arrested, that the financial reset is near.
It was reported that to date, 260 global elites have been served, “The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant.
It was likely that rolling blackouts would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made. Communications would be cut off for a short period of time. There’s some mayors, governors and judges out there with their names on some of the over 222, 286 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016.
On Tues. 26 Jan from about 11am EST to about 4pm EST there were massive internet and network outages on the East Coast said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units making arrests of Deep State bad guys.
Soon the Emergency Broadcast System would be activated to announce all. The Military would then produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours, filled with videos of political elite’s tribunals, accompanied by seven messages from Trump. The networks have already been informed that they could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.
With global financial markets imploding, on Wed. 27 Jan. the worldwide Global Currency Reset was set to take place. Sun. 31 Jan. was Freedom Day as per Trump’s Executive Order signed on July 4 2020.
Whether or not any of this political intel is true, I do not know, just throwing it out there FYI. But if it is true then it would make for a very interesting 2021.
The Mid East war drums continue to beat, so this is something that may rear its ugly head in 2021.
Israel military revising operational plans against Iran: General
“One of Netanyahu’s ministers said publicly that if the United States rejoins the nuclear deal – which is something Biden believes lies in the US’ national interest – Israel would go to war. This is very serious at a very early stage.”
Chinese Bombers Carried Out "Simulated Attack" On USS Roosevelt Carrier Near Taiwan
China sharpens language, warns Taiwan that independence 'means war'
The Pandemic
Pfizer Admits Vaccine Does Not Prevent COVID
CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!!
California health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigations underway
This is from the CDC website, 234 deaths and these probably do not include the nursing home deaths. (click “I Agree” and then click on “VAERS Data Search”
A Big Event
Yes there are more of them and there are more big ones. Here are the 47 day cycle Nibiru earthquake watch periods for 2021.
1/25/21 to 2/14/21
3/13/21 to 4/2/21
4/29/21 to 5/19/21
6/15/21 to 7/5/21
8/1/21 to 8/21/21
9/17/21 to 10/7/21
11/3/21 to 11/23/21
12/20/21 to 1/9/22
Greyerz – Public Will Lose Up To 99% Of Their Wealth In The Next 5 Years
NESARA, financial reset?
UFO Disclosure
President Trump Signs Bill Initiating 180-Day Countdown To UFO DISCLOSURE
The Rapture
If the 70th Week—the last 7 years has begun—and after the antichrist has come onto the scene, taken over the world, and performed the abomination of desolation then the 6thSeal rapture will be imminent.
It is possible that we may be in the last 7 years now, which would be true if the last 7 years began in one of the years from 2017 to 2020. Aligning Armageddon with the feast of Trumpets in a future year yields the following.
Saturday, 30 January 2021
Israel's Military Chief Warns Of Severe Implications Of Return To Iran Deal
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Friday, 29 January 2021
In this explosive interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merrit explains her belief that America is currently facing what appears to be biological warfare. Whether the Communist Chinese released the COVID19 virus on purpose or by accident is impossible to know, but the implications are enormous. When it comes to the new vaccines, Dr. Merrit, a former military doctor who studied biological warfare, goes through previous animal studies on the technology and paints a dire picture. However, even though modern medical schools do not often teach it, there are ways to treat viral infections that are time-tested and effective, she concludes.
BEAST WATCH NEWS WITH AN URGENT WARNING - Joe Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. For the first time since the creation of social media, you and your family’s lives are at risk. It isn’t about advertising anymore!
Thursday, 28 January 2021
Biden Appoints Anti-Israel Muslim To Top Intelligence Position
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HUMAN PROGRAMMING AS THE NEW WORLD ORDER BEGINGS TO TAKE PLACE - Washington Post Publishes Article Stating That Millions Of ‘White Republican Americans’ Need To Be ‘Deprogrammed and Reprogrammed’
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