Sunday, 31 January 2021

WATCH: Top ISIS Leader Slain in Iraq by US Coalition Forces


WATCH: Top ISIS Leader Slain in Iraq by US Coalition Forces

WHAT UTTER MADNESS AND SHEER LUNACY IS THIS AS: Black Lives Matter Riots Saw 12 People Murdered With $2 Billion In Damage, Now They’re Nominated For A Nobel Peace Prize??


New post on Now The End Begins

SHEER LUNACY: Black Lives Matter Riots Saw 12 People Murdered With $2 Billion In Damage, Now They’re Nominated For A Nobel Peace Prize??

by Geoffrey Grider


The Black Lives Matter movement, which fueled several violent protests across America last year, has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize.

The very idea of a group like Black Lives Matter whose methods are so violent and anarchistic being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize should be repugnant to every with a brain or a conscience. The riots they caused for 6 months last year resulted in a dozen dead people and over $2 billion dollars in arson and damages, making it the most costly riots ever in the history of America. Now someone wants to give these domestic terrorists a peace prize??

"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." 1 John 2:18 (KJB)

I have always stood with the plight of black people here in America, and have done my best my entire life to stand against racism in all its many forms. I fight the idea of 'white supremacy' to be abhorrent, just as I find the idea of black supremacy to be equally disgusting. Mob rule, for whatever the reason, is always an ugly thing and it always begets violence. Once you sanction violence as a means to an end, you have lost the battle. The Black Lives Matter Movement, a Communist organization founded on Marxism, is a disgusting proposition, and is antithetical to freedom and to a free people. I stand against racism and always will, and I also stand against the gestapo tactics of Black Lives Matter.

antifa-black-lives-matter-riots-portland-out-of-control-brown-shirts-nazis-domestic-terrorists-democratsIF YOU DON'T THINK BLACK LIVES MATTER ARE A TERRORIST OGRANIZATION, YOU WILL AFTER CLICKING HERE.

Black Lives Matter Movement Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

FROM BREITBART NEWS: The nomination was made by Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s parliament who considered the effort to be “a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice,” and brushed off questions regarding violent protests in the movement’s name. “Studies have shown that most of the demonstrations organized by Black Lives Matter have been peaceful,” Eide said. “Of course there have been incidents, but most of them have been caused by the activities of either the police or counter-protestors.”

A study by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, which looked at 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations from four months of last year, found that 93 percent of the protests were mostly peaceful, yet photographs and videos captured by journalists across America depict a different image.

While there have been numerous violent incidents involving the movement’s name, several innocent civilians and members of Congress have suffered from the cruelties of activists from within the movement.

Last August, Black Lives Matter activists harassed diners seated on the patio of a Mexican restaurant and allegedly demanded they raise their fists. Other activists from the movement also surrounded Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and several women for several minutes on the streets of Washington, DC, as they attempted to leave a Republican National Convention event at the White House.

Last September, released data from Princeton University showed that riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States. The Norway-based Nobel Committee is expected to choose the winners of the award in November. READ MORE

The End Times Forecaster With His "2021 Prophecy Predictions And Forecast"

  2021 Prophecy Forecast

Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:47 PM PST

Here are some things that are end times prophecy connected that may develop into major events in 2021.  


There are still many bits of intel going around that “it’s not over,” that the military is in control, that Trump is coming back, that people are being arrested, that the financial reset is near. 

It was reported that to date, 260 global elites have been served, “The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant.  

It was likely that rolling blackouts would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made. Communications would be cut off for a short period of time. There’s some mayors, governors and judges out there with their names on some of the over 222, 286 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016.  

On Tues. 26 Jan from about 11am EST to about 4pm EST there were massive internet and network outages on the East Coast said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units making arrests of Deep State bad guys.  

Soon the Emergency Broadcast System would be activated to announce all. The Military would then produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours, filled with videos of political elite’s tribunals, accompanied by seven messages from Trump. The networks have already been informed that they could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.

With global financial markets imploding, on Wed. 27 Jan. the worldwide Global Currency Reset was set to take place. Sun. 31 Jan. was Freedom Day as per Trump’s Executive Order signed on July 4 2020.  


Whether or not any of this political intel is true, I do not know, just throwing it out there FYI. But if it is true then it would make for a very interesting 2021.


The Mid East war drums continue to beat, so this is something that may rear its ugly head in 2021. 

Israel military revising operational plans against Iran: General 

“One of Netanyahu’s ministers said publicly that if the United States rejoins the nuclear deal – which is something Biden believes lies in the US’ national interest – Israel would go to war. This is very serious at a very early stage.” 


Chinese Bombers Carried Out "Simulated Attack" On USS Roosevelt Carrier Near Taiwan 

China sharpens language, warns Taiwan that independence 'means war'


The Pandemic 

Pfizer Admits Vaccine Does Not Prevent COVID 

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!! 

A meta-analysis recently performed by an independent research consortium calculated the chances that ivermectin is ineffective in COVID-19 to be 1 in 67 million

January 29, 2021 

California health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigations underway 

This is from the CDC website, 234 deaths and these probably do not include the nursing home deaths. (click “I Agree” and then click on “VAERS Data Search” 


A Big Event 

Rich Person Booked All 446 Rooms at Alberta Canadian Lodge For 65 Days -- SHTF Retreat? BODY BAGS BEING RUSH-DELIVERED THROUGHOUT U.S.A.



Yes there are more of them and there are more big ones. Here are the 47 day cycle Nibiru earthquake watch periods for 2021.

1/25/21 to 2/14/21 

3/13/21 to 4/2/21 

4/29/21 to 5/19/21 

6/15/21 to 7/5/21 

8/1/21 to 8/21/21 

9/17/21 to 10/7/21 

11/3/21 to 11/23/21 

12/20/21 to 1/9/22



Greyerz – Public Will Lose Up To 99% Of Their Wealth In The Next 5 Years 

NO SILVER LIQUIDITY IN LONDON: This “Could Destabilize All Gold & Silver Contracts” As Reddit Silver Short Squeeze Continues 

NESARA, financial reset?


UFO Disclosure  

President Trump Signs Bill Initiating 180-Day Countdown To UFO DISCLOSURE


The Rapture 

If the 70th Week—the last 7 years has begun—and after the antichrist has come onto the scene, taken over the world, and performed the abomination of desolation then the 6thSeal rapture will be imminent. 

It is possible that we may be in the last 7 years now, which would be true if the last 7 years began in one of the years from 2017 to 2020. Aligning Armageddon with the feast of Trumpets in a future year yields the following.

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Israel's Military Chief Warns Of Severe Implications Of Return To Iran Deal


Israel's Military Chief Warns Of Severe Implications Of Return To Iran Deal
When assessing the comments made earlier this week by Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, who warned against the return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, it is useful to envisage two red countdown clocks.

Friday, 29 January 2021

⁣In this explosive interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merrit explains her belief that America is currently facing what appears to be biological warfare. Whether the Communist Chinese released the COVID19 virus on purpose or by accident is impossible to know, but the implications are enormous. When it comes to the new vaccines, Dr. Merrit, a former military doctor who studied biological warfare, goes through previous animal studies on the technology and paints a dire picture. However, even though modern medical schools do not often teach it, there are ways to treat viral infections that are time-tested and effective, she concludes.


BEAST WATCH NEWS WITH AN URGENT WARNING - Joe Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. For the first time since the creation of social media, you and your family’s lives are at risk. It isn’t about advertising anymore!


This week in Beast Watch News and The Messianic Message:
Biden has pivoted toward China within his first week in office but few have noticed it. I will explain this in today’s report but first will be an important message about personal cyber security which also has something to do with the Maoists’ plans for you. For the first time since the creation of social media, your and your family’s lives are at risk. It isn’t about advertising anymore!

Jeremiah Study – History on the Kings – Part 1 Lesson 7
Understanding Israel's past is to know Israel's future. The prophecies are history repeating right up until the end! It is easy to see and understand the final fulfillment of the prophecies still to come by studying our ancient history!

Last week we ended Hezekiah’s study about ½ way through. Get the rest of the story this week!

JOIN US! - Understand who and what Israel is through the eyes of Jeremiah and know Israel's future. Teaching by Jaco Van Der Merwe.


Iran Threatens: We will 'Level Tel Aviv' if Israel Makes 'Slightest Mistake'


World Israel News

Iran Threatens: We will 'Level Tel Aviv' if Israel Makes 'Slightest Mistake'

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Biden Appoints Anti-Israel Muslim To Top Intelligence Position



Biden Appoints Anti-Israel Muslim To Top Intelligence Position
President Biden's two newest appointees to top intelligence positions are reasons for concern; though one is Jewish, the other is a "Palestinian"-American and both are decidedly anti-Israel.

HUMAN PROGRAMMING AS THE NEW WORLD ORDER BEGINGS TO TAKE PLACE - Washington Post Publishes Article Stating That Millions Of ‘White Republican Americans’ Need To Be ‘Deprogrammed and Reprogrammed’


New post on Now The End Begins

Washington Post Publishes Article Stating That Millions Of ‘White Republican Americans’ Need To Be ‘Deprogrammed and Reprogrammed’

by Geoffrey Grider


On Monday, the Washington Post published an op-ed by columnist Brian Klaas whereby he expresses the near futility of attempting to “deprogram” millions of Trump supporters, claiming that many have “gone far enough down the rabbit hole of conspiratorial thinking.”

In the Chick gospel tract entitled 'The Last Generation' we see a New World Order where 'wrong thinking' is now a crime, and that citizens are required to inform the government on the 'suspicious activities' of their friends, neighbors and family members. In one especially prescient scene we see a grandson informing the authorities on his grandfather who is a believer in Jesus Christ, who is then taken away for 'reprogramming'. Welcome to the Democrat Party 2021.

"But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Mark 13:11-13 (KJB)

Talking about the time of the great Tribulation after the rapture of the Church, Jesus warns that those Tribulation saints must 'endure to the end' in order to make it through to Heaven. They will have to refuse the Mark of the Beast, and have nothing to do with the name, number and image of the Antichrist, but if they do, they will be beheaded for their refusal to 'play ball'. Rightly dividing the scripture shows us clearly that we in the Church Age will not be here for all that, but, what we are seeing coming together right now is a nice, little 'preview' of what's coming after we leave.

We constantly speak out against the lies of QAnon, but the New World Order is not trying to eradicate QAnon, they are trying to get rid of the King James Bible and all those people who believe it. Jesus Christ is their target, but since they can't get Him, they will settle for the next best thing, His followers. Dark days are not only ahead, they are here.

Anti-Trump Scholar: ‘Nearly Impossible’ to ‘Deprogram’ Millions of Trump Supporters For Thought Crimes

FROM BREITBART NEWS: The essay, titled “‘Why is it so hard to deprogram Trumpian conspiracy theorists?” depicts millions of Trump supporters as so devoted to “dangerous lunacy” that nearly all hope is lost of bringing them “back to reality.”

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed,” Robinson stated. “It’s as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult, and they have to be deprogrammed.”

Referring to President Trump as “a conspiracy theorist in chief” who “injected the toxin of baseless conspiratorial thinking straight into America’s political bloodstream,” the essay claims that while only hundreds stormed the Capitol, “there are millions of Americans who share their views.”

“So, do we have any hope of deprogramming the millions of Americans who are devoted to dangerous lunacy?” asks Klaas. “Don’t hold your breath,” he declares.

The essay then claims that the findings of psychologists and political scientists indicate that “it can be nearly impossible” to recover people deeply involved in conspiratorial thinking. Another factor that makes the attempt to “deprogram” more difficult, the essay explains, is the social aspect.

“Modern conspiracy movements such as QAnon, are thriving in church groups and yoga classes,” Klaas states. “They’re social. And that means that deprogramming is that much harder. Today, with the rise of social media, one can be alone but feel part of a group — and some of those groups are glued together by unhinged beliefs,” Klaas adds.

jack-chick-tract-last-generation-new-world-order-covid-1984-666-2020-ntebBig Brother's nightmarish world order is just around the corner. Christ is coming soon for believers. Will you be left behind?

The essay then describes “deluded” Trump supporters as less conspicuous than expected, deeming the attempt to ”accurately diagnose” those who have “taken the poison” more difficult.

“Bringing the deluded people who populate Trump’s political base back to reality will be difficult,” Klaas writes.  “But to find the right antidote, we need to at least accurately diagnose who has taken the poison,” he adds.” And that means acknowledging that those who sympathize with the Capitol insurrectionists are not far-off lunatics. Some, most likely, are your neighbors.”

However, despite any success in “diagnosing” which citizens have “taken the poison,” the essay expresses little hope of change.

“We need to have a coalition of reality in our politics and Republican leaders need to be held accountable for not inhabiting that real space that we all should live in,” he added.

The notion of “deprogramming” Trump supporters has been fiercely promoted by those on the left in recent days following the November presidential elections and the storming of the U.S. Capitol this month.

In a recent video promoted by the left, citizens are called upon to become cyber detectives to monitor and report fellow citizen Trump-supporters to authorities.

The threat addressed is described as emanating from “radical” conservatives who live among us. The clip states:

The greatest threat facing America today comes from within: radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists. They’re hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs.

They are your children’s teachers. They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor’s offices, and many are police officers and soldiers.

The video has received over four million views since.

On Thursday, Vanity Fair published an interview with cult expert Steven Hassan detailing how to go about “deprogramming” Trump supporters, while arguing for a “massive education” effort involving the participation of schools, mental health professionals, law enforcement, media, politicians, and intelligence agencies. Last week, Hassan appeared on CNN and stated that “all of America needs deprogramming” due to the negative influence of President Trump.

On Monday, Hassan published an infographic with steps to take to “free your loved ones” from Trump’s “cult.” Last week, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Eugene Robinson referred to Trump’s supporters as “members of a cult” that need to be “reprogrammed.” READ MORE