Erdogan Prays to Baal in Another Christian Church
God Sends an Immediate Earthquake Upon Turkey Today
When Will They Worship the True God?
Today two major events occurred in Turkey--the land that will give rise to Gog. Erdogan ordered authorities to cover images of Jesus Christ and mosaics in the monastery of Christ the Savior in Chora, as he led the first Islamic prayer service there to honor Baal (B'Allah). This ancient building which was recently converted into a mosque at the instigation of President Erdogan. God responded with an earthquake today. Listen to the warnings from Jesus. Worship Jesus.
WHO IS BAAL? Baal is also called Bel. It was originally pronounced B'Allah. Baal (Allah of the Qur'an) is the beast of Revelation (Revelation chapter 13), Bel of Babylon punished (Jeremiah chapter 51), seeking to be God and sent down to Sheol (Isaiah chapter 14), the wicked woman trapped in the basket with the lead cover (Zechariah chapter 5), the Man of Lawlessness "restrained and held back" at the time of Christ on earth (2 Thessalonians chapter 2), later released from the Abyss (Revelation chapters 8, 9 and 13), entered the heavenly temple of God (2 Thessalonians chapter 2), proclaiming himself God to cause a war in heaven (Revelation chapter 12), kills God's two witnesses (Revelation chapter 11), revealed to Mohammad (Revelation chapter 13), and actively worshipped until the very Day of the Lord (Zephaniah chapter 1).
ERDOGAN HONORS BAAL Today on for Friday October 30, when the Byzantine building will be open to the faithful of the false prophet Mohammad, completing its transformation into a Muslim place of worship. Following the presidential decree that provides for the transformation of the Chora museum to a mosque, the images of Jesus, frescoes and icons that testify to its Christian roots were covered with a white curtain. |
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