Monday 7 September 2020

The End Times Forecaster Predicts That "The countdown to the last days of mankind will begin on 10 September"!!

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

There is a lot of “chatter” going on that major events are about the strike the world. Earthquakes, terrorist attacks, tsunamis, asteroids, storms, floods, drought, an EMP, war, riots, more viruses, and financial calamities are all being talked about as possible events for the next several months and into 2021. 
Some of the data points to 9/11/20 as a date to watch, of which I have mentioned in several posts. Here is another piece of data that points to 9/10-11/2020 as a time to watch. The story appeared on The Big the One website and the info was translated from Hebrew to Russian to English. Note: If anyone can give us a direct translation from Hebrew that would be appreciated. 

Message from the hidden righteous: We are entering a critical time - a great war and a hard test. From the coming Thursday, 21 Elula (September 10) the world will begin to completely change.  
This will be phased in and will take two months. There will be wars - small wars and more serious wars. There will be natural disasters. Every few days there will be another surprise: everything will happen in such a way that the world will not get used to one reality yet - but the reality will come completely different. 
As for viruses, the crown will spread differently and there will be more viruses. Tsadik says that on the coming Thursday everyone will see a change of the world. Whoever changes his condition, his position will be good and he will be rewarded with obvious miracles.  
Rosh Ha'Shana, Yum Kippur - everything will happen completely differently. No one has any idea what will happen to 21 elula in the next two months.  
Wake up, repent and become stronger in faith so that your souls will live. 

Quite a potent message, I cannot make any determination about its validity, just passing on the data for your consideration. Here is another source that is indicating that major depopulation events will begin on 9/11/2020.

Personally 9/11/2020 has been on my radar recently, besides all the chatter I have had some beyond coincidence encounters with the number 911 lately. Here is one sync I ran across. Check this out, the results of the 2020 Go Bowling 235 NASCAR race.
I do not watch NASCAR just happened to be someplace and by "chance" saw the end of the race. The order of finish was 9,11,19. The odds of those finish numbers happening is about 60,000 to one.

This year’s 9/11 is 19 years past 9/11/01—like I said, a beyond coincidence encounter. I wonder if someone will get a strike on 9/11/20? Let me also mention that 9 + 11 = 20 and 19 is a backwards 91, which equals = 13 weeks and is reported to be the length of time that really bad stuff will happen before the antichrist appears on the scene. (see The Coming Epiphany for details) 

The #12 car was winning the race until he was struck from behind and wiped out. After going airborne and flipping over he finished in 31st place. 12 is Israel’s number, 31 is a backwards 13. And then we have this report from Dave Hodges that there are some strange flights taking place out West. 
Let’s also not forget that 9/11/20 is in our Nibiru earthquake watch period that runs from 9/6/20 to 9/26/20. BTW; we have already had 4 ea M6.0+ in the watch period. Correction, just checked again, make that 5 ea. 
Here are a few recent posts that detail some of the things we are watching for in the Fall of 2020
The last post in the list featured a dream by Pastor Dana Coverstone. Here is his latest dream that focuses on the months after the election.

I cannot tell you if or when anything will happen this Fall—we see through a glass darkly—but I can tell you that many sources are indicating that major events may be about to occur. Will the major events all begin on 9/10-11/2020—time will tell. Either way, one day major events will occur, and they will occur before the rapture, are you prepared? 

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