What Are the
Seven Seals and Trumpets in Revelation?
The seven seals and seven trumpets
are a series of catastrophic events that will take place during the End Days to
enact the judgment of God upon the earth.
Hope Bolinger

Reminiscent of the 10 plagues to fall
on Egypt during the Exodus (Exodus 7-11), a series of catastrophic events
will take place during the End Days to enact the judgment of God upon the
Although Revelation does have more plagues than
just the seven seals and seven trumpets (the seven bowls and the seven
thunders—the latter of which John was not even allowed to write down their
specific calamities: Revelation 10:4), this article will cover the
seals and trumpets.
The article will discuss all 14 of these plagues,
discuss the importance of the number seven in Scripture, and will cover why we
should care about these events that will take place in Revelation.
Number 7 in the
Bible: Symbolism and Importance
Number symbolism spans all of Scripture, and seven
plays a particularly important role, especially in Revelation. Seven tends to
mean wholeness and perfection. The reason the devil adopts the number 666 is
because 6 tends to represent incompletion or imperfection.
God created the world in seven days (Genesis 1), Revelation speaks to seven churches,
and the Israelites have seven annual holy days, according to BibleStudy.org.
Because each plague in Revelation comes in a
septet, this signifies a completion or perfection of the wrath of God.
What Do the Seven
Seals of Revelation Mean?
These seals make an appearance in Revelation 6:1-17 and Revelation 8:1-5. When John sees a scroll in
heaven, which no being except for “the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of
David” can open (Revelation 5:4-5), John watches as God breaks
open the seals one by one to unfurl the scroll.
The First Seal (Revelation 6:2)
This first seal introduces the antichrist onto the scene as a rider of
a white horse. This rider wears a crown and will deceive many with talks of
peace, but he will wage war against the saints.
The Second Seal (Revelation 6:4)
Despite the promises of peace from the antichrist,
warfare will break out after this seal breaks. A red rider on a horse slays a
great number of people.
The Third Seal (Revelation 6:5)
A rider on a black horse will spread famine
throughout the earth. With whatever population is left on the earth from after
the warfare, they will have to survive by bare means of food.
The Fourth Seal (Revelation 6:7-8)
Death, riding upon a pale horse, wipes out
one-fourth of the earth. Many had attributed the events of the second through
fourth seals to the great wars, famines, and bubonic plague which wiped out
good portions of Europe in the 14th century.
The Fifth Seal (Revelation 6:9)
Those martyred will ask God how long until He
judges the earth. They are told a little while longer and given a white robe.
The Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-14)
Catastrophic natural events take place from a
rattling earthquake, the sun turning black, the moon turning blood-red, and
mountains and islands disappearing.
The Seventh Seal (Revelation 8:1)
Silence fills heaven. Reminiscent of the Sabbath
day of rest God took on the seventh day after creation, a brief pause occurs
before the following judgements.
What Do the Seven
Trumpets Mean?
After the silence, angels sound the seven trumpets,
the next septet of judgment.
The First Trumpet (Revelation 8:7)
Hail, fire, and blood will rain down on the earth
and wipe out one-third of all plant life.
The Second Trumpet (Revelation 8:8)
A burning mountain falls into the sea, turns
one-third of the ocean to blood, and one-third of all sea life dies.
The Third Trumpet (Revelation 8:10)
A star called wormwood poisons one-third of all the
freshwater supply.
The Fourth Trumpet (Revelation 8:12)
One-third of the moon, stars, and sun darkens.
The Fifth Trumpet (Revelation 9:3-11)
Demon locusts with human faces, long hair, lion’s
teeth, and the power of a scorpion sting plague and sting nonbelievers for five
months. Those who are stung will wish for death.
The Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:12-18)
Four fallen angels are released and wipe out people
from sulphur and fire pouring out of their mouths. They manage to wipe out
one-third of mankind.
The Seventh Trumpet (Revelation 11:15)
Another break from the plagues, and onto the seven
bowls of judgment, 24 elders in heaven declare it’s time to destroy those who
destroy the earth. The temple in heaven opens, featuring the Ark of the
Why Should Christians
Care about this Now?
God has provided us a blueprint of what will take
place during the End Times. As we rapidly approach such times, we should be
aware of the severity of judgment that will take place. When we have become
cognizant of such catastrophes that will take place, we understand the great
cost of Jesus’ salvation for us to spare us from God’s judgment.
We also understand we need to spread the Gospel to as many souls as
possible, so they can receive God’s grace from this wrath. Keeping in mind some
plagues only affect non-Christians (the locusts, for instance), if they accept
Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, they will avoid some of these events that will
take place in the future.
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