Saturday, 30 May 2020


The apocalyptic virus that would make COVID-19 seem irrelevant: Leading scientist warns of the danger of a pandemic triggered by chicken farms that could kill half the world's population

The key to all this woe awaiting us is ‘zoonoses’ — the scientific term for infections that pass from animals to humans. They cross over from them to us and overwhelm our natural immune systems, with potentially fatal consequences on an unimaginable scale [File photo]
In the ‘hurricane scale’ of epidemics, Covid- 19, with a death rate of around half of one per cent, rates a measly Category Two, possible a Three — a big blow but not catastrophic.
The Big One, the typhoon to end all typhoons, will be 100 times worse when it comes, a Category Five producing a fatality rate of one in two — a coin flip between life and death — as it gouges its way through the earth’s population of nearly eight billion people. Civilisation as we know it would cease. What’s more, he adds ominously, ‘with pandemics explosively spreading a virus from human to human, it’s never a matter of if, but when’. 
This apocalyptic warning comes from Dr Michael Greger, a scientist, medical guru and campaigning nutritionist who has long advocated the overwhelming benefits of a plant-based diet. He’s a self-confessed sweet potatoes, kale and lentils man. Meat, in all its forms, is his bete noire. He has also done a lot of research into infectious diseases — the 3,600 footnotes and references in his mammoth 500-page book bear witness to that. 
Just when we seem to be easing out of the crisis, just as the death toll slows and new hospital admissions for coronavirus head towards zero, just as we begin to allow ourselves the first tentative sigh of relief, along comes a new book by an American doctor to tell us: this, folks, is just the dress rehearsal [File photo]
Just when we seem to be easing out of the crisis, just as the death toll slows and new hospital admissions for coronavirus head towards zero, just as we begin to allow ourselves the first tentative sigh of relief, along comes a new book by an American doctor to tell us: this, folks, is just the dress rehearsal [File photo]
His conclusion is that our close connection to animals — keeping them, killing them, eating them — makes us vulnerable to the worst kind of epidemic. With every pork sausage, bacon sandwich and chicken nugget, we are dicing with death.
The key to all this woe awaiting us is ‘zoonoses’ — the scientific term for infections that pass from animals to humans. They cross over from them to us and overwhelm our natural immune systems, with potentially fatal consequences on an unimaginable scale. These viruses are generally benign in the host, but mutate, adapt themselves to a different species and become lethal.
Thus tuberculosis was acquired millennia ago through goats, measles came from sheep and goats, smallpox from camels, leprosy from water buffalo, whooping cough from pigs, typhoid fever from chickens and the cold virus from cattle and horses. These zoonoses rarely get to humans directly, but via the bridge of another species.
Civets were the route for SARS to get from bats to humans; with MERS it was camels. Covid-19 originated in bats, but probably got to us by way of an infected pangolin, a rare and endangered scaly anteater whose meat is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world and whose scales are used in traditional medicines. Once Covid-19 got a toehold, thanks to globalisation, it travelled fast and far among humans, leading to the perilous state we are in today. ‘Just one meal or medicine,’ notes Greger, ‘may end up costing humanity trillions of dollars and millions of lives’.
In many parts of the world, particularly China and the U.S., the vast majority of broiler chickens are reared in intensive sheds so overcrowded that each bird has an area no bigger than an A4 sheet of paper
In many parts of the world, particularly China and the U.S., the vast majority of broiler chickens are reared in intensive sheds so overcrowded that each bird has an area no bigger than an A4 sheet of paper
Which is a trifle, though, compared with what could happen next time, when the bridge the virus crosses to infect is likely to be just about the most prevalent creature on the planet — the humble chicken. There are a mind-blowing 24 billion of them spread around the globe — getting on for double the number there were just 20 years ago. 
We gulp down their cheap-as-chips meat and eggs by the ton, and turn a blind eye to the factory-farming conditions in which they are reared, force-fed with chemicals and slaughtered. We in the West may kid ourselves into xenophobic complacency about lethal viruses, content to shrug off the blame for them getting out of hand onto cultures that lap up bat soup or pickled pangolins.
So it’s a bit of a shock to be told the greatest danger of all is lurking in our back yard. Because if Dr Greger’s prediction is anywhere near true, the diseases harboured by chickens, notably influenza, could end up damn nearly wiping us out. Influenza is scientists’ top pick for humanity’s next killer plague. It most famously turned deadly on a vast scale back in 1918-20, infecting at least 500 million people — a third of the world’s population at the time — and killing 10 per cent of them, possibly more.
The World Health Organisation describes it as the ‘most deadly disease event in the history of humanity’. It killed more people in a single year than the Black Death — the bubonic plague in the Middle Ages — did in a century, and more people in 25 weeks than Aids killed in 25 years. Death was quick but not gentle. ‘Spanish Flu’, as it misleadingly came to be known, began innocuously with a cough and aching muscles, followed by fever, before exploding into action, leaving many victims with blood squirting from their nose, ears, and eye sockets. 
Purple blood blisters appeared on their skin. Froth poured from their lungs and many turned blue before suffocating. A pathologist who performed post-mortem examinations spoke of lungs six times their normal weight and so full of blood they looked ‘like melted redcurrant jelly’. Normal flu — the type we see every year — targets the old and infirm, but the 1918 variety wiped out those in the prime of life, with mortality peaking among 20 to 34-year-olds. It stopped spreading after two years only when everyone was either dead or immune and it ran out of people to infect.
For decades, the precise starting point of humanity’s greatest killer was an unsolved puzzle, though pigs were suspected. Not until 2005 was it scientifically established that the Spanish Flu was avian influenza. Its source was birds. 
This apocalyptic warning comes from Dr Michael Greger, a scientist, medical guru and campaigning nutritionist who has long advocated the overwhelming benefits of a plant-based diet
This apocalyptic warning comes from Dr Michael Greger, a scientist, medical guru and campaigning nutritionist who has long advocated the overwhelming benefits of a plant-based diet
Since that mass outbreak among humans in the early part of the 20th century, bird flu has remained just that — largely confined to its host creature.
The worry is that the virus never stands still but is always mutating, and in 1997 a new strain emerged, known as H5N1, which crossed over into humans. This is the monster lurking in the undergrowth, the one that makes epidemiologists shudder. 
According to infectious disease expert Professor Michael Osterholm, it is a ‘kissing cousin of the 1918 virus’ and could lead to a repeat of 1918, but in an even more lethal way. The 1997 outbreak started with a three-year-old boy in Hong Kong, whose sore throat and tummy ache turned into a disease that curdled his blood and killed him within a week from acute respiratory and organ failure.
If it had spread, Lam Hoi-ka would have been patient zero for a new global pandemic. Fortunately, it was contained. Just 18 people contracted it, a third of whom died.
Those figures demonstrated its extreme lethality. but also that, thank goodness, it was slow to be transmitted. What worried public health scientists, however, was that the new strain turned out to be only a few mutations away from being able to replicate itself rapidly in human tissue. Here was the potential for a nightmare scenario — extreme lethality combined with ease of transmission. One expert declared: ‘The only thing I can think of that could take a larger human death toll would be thermonuclear war.’
And where had the H5N1 in Hong Kong originated? Greger claims that in a subsequent investigation, the strongest risk factor to emerge was either direct or indirect contact with poultry. The birds in the pets corner at Lam Hoi-ka’s nursery even came under suspicion. ‘Thankfully,’ he adds, ‘H5N1 has so far remained a virus mainly of poultry, not people.’ But for how long? ‘It and other new and deadly animal viruses like it are still out there, still mutating, with an eye on the eight-billion-strong buffet of human hosts.’
And if, God forbid, it were to take hold, it would be many times worse than before. Like the 1918 version of the virus, H5N1 has a proclivity for the lungs, but it doesn’t stop there. It can go on to invade the bloodstream and ravage other internal organs until it is nothing short of a whole-body infection.
That’s why it is the one to fear. It has the potential to be at least ten times more lethal than it was in 1918. As human contagious diseases go, only Ebola and untreated HIV infection are deadlier. And what if the virus went airborne as well as passed by touch? The result, to quote The Lancet medical journal, would be a ‘massively frightening’ global disaster.
So what can we do to make us safe from such a catastrophic fate? Greger is convinced that it is man messing about with nature that puts us in harm’s way. We need to change our ways. In Malaysia 20 years ago, the slash-and-burn destruction of forests to make way for cultivation forced out fruit bats, which took up residence in mango trees next to pig farms. The fruit bats dribbled urine and saliva into the pig pens, passing on the Nipah virus.
The pigs developed an explosive cough, went into spasms and died. In the process, the virus spread to other animals, including humans. It was particularly virulent. More than half the humans who caught it died, and it was considered so deadly a pathogen that the U.S. listed it as a possible bio-terrorism agent.
Influenza is scientists’ top pick for humanity’s next killer plague. It most famously turned deadly on a vast scale back in 1918-20, infecting at least 500 million people — a third of the world’s population at the time — and killing 10 per cent of them, possibly more
Influenza is scientists’ top pick for humanity’s next killer plague. It most famously turned deadly on a vast scale back in 1918-20, infecting at least 500 million people — a third of the world’s population at the time — and killing 10 per cent of them, possibly more
Nipah was also the template for the virus in the 2011 film Contagion — which has become top Netflix viewing during the Covid-19 pandemic. What put an end to the seven-month Nipah outbreak in Malaysia was slaughtering swathes of the country’s pig population. More than a million were destroyed. It was the same solution with H5N1 bird flu in Hong Kong, where killing all the chickens in the territory eliminated the virus.
It always is. Around the world, culling on a grand scale has been the accepted response to outbreaks of swine flu and bird flu. But then the pig herds and chicken flocks are allowed to regenerate, and we’re back to square one. To Professor Osterholm it makes no sense to keep replenishing the stock after each cull, given that ‘each new chicken born and hatched is a brand new incubator for the virus’.
H5N1 is continually taking shots at sustained human-to-human transmission, and by re-populating the global poultry flock, all we do is keep reloading the gun. In theory, Greger agrees. The only way to be sure of preventing future pandemics is to kill all the chickens in the world. Is that even feasible, you may rightly ask? Chicken and eggs are dominant foodstuffs around the world, hence those 24 billion of them referred to earlier.
Although the vegan in Greger might ultimately favour removing them completely from the food chain, he recognises the problem in doing so. A less drastic course of action, to avoid what Osterholm describes as ‘the biggest single human disaster ever, with the potential to redirect world history’, is to change entirely the way we ‘farm’ chickens.
The domestication of animals began aeons ago and with it the problem of viruses crossing species. But when it was a few chickens and other animals free-ranging around the farmyard, the risk was limited.
Greger’s preferred wish is that, instead of restocking after every cull, the world as a whole should raise and eat one last global batch of chickens, and then break for ever the viral link between ducks, chickens and humans
Greger’s preferred wish is that, instead of restocking after every cull, the world as a whole should raise and eat one last global batch of chickens, and then break for ever the viral link between ducks, chickens and humans
All that changed with the modern switch to large-scale factory farming. In many parts of the world, particularly China and the U.S., the vast majority of broiler chickens are reared in intensive sheds so overcrowded that each bird has an area no bigger than an A4 sheet of paper.
When they are fully grown, one observer said, what you see in front of you is like a carpet of feathers. You couldn’t put your hand between the birds, and if one fell over it would be lucky to stand up again because of the crush of the others.
Chickens kept for eggs are in vast batteries of stacked cages with not enough space to flap their wings.
Add to that poor ventilation, poor litter conditions, poor hygiene and the high ammonia level from their droppings and it’s no wonder that diseases flourish. The more animals are jammed together, says Greger, ‘the more spins the virus may get at the roulette wheel while gambling for the pandemic jackpot that may be hidden in the lining of the chickens’ lungs’.
H5N1 was originally a mild virus found in migrating ducks; if it killed its host immediately, it too would die. But when its next host’s beak is just an inch away, the virus can evolve to kill quickly and still survive. With tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of susceptible hosts in a single chicken shed, the virus can rapidly cycle from one bird to the next, accumulating adaptive mutations.
As one eminent Australian professor of microbiology puts it: ‘We have unnaturally brought to our doorstep pandemic-capable viruses and given them the opportunity not only to infect and destroy huge numbers of birds, but to jump into the human race.’
To counter this, says Greger, the very least we need to do is shift from mass production of chickens to smaller flocks raised under less stressful, less crowded, and more hygienic conditions, with outdoor access, no use of human antivirals, and with an end to the practice of breeding for rapid growth or unnatural egg production at the expense of immunity.
And even that may not be enough. Greger’s preferred wish is that, instead of restocking after every cull, the world as a whole should raise and eat one last global batch of chickens, and then break for ever the viral link between ducks, chickens and humans.
‘The pandemic cycle could theoretically be broken for good,’ he writes. ‘Bird flu could be grounded.’ But until then, he warns, ‘as long as there is poultry, there will be pandemics. In the end, it may be us or them’. The fact is that, even when or if coronavirus is beaten into submission, it will be no more than a truce in an on-going battle rather than a victory. 
This is a time to reflect on the words of the late Nobel prize-winning biologist Joseph Lederberg when he wrote: ‘We live in evolutionary competition with bacteria and viruses. There is no guarantee that we will be the survivors.’
And even if Covid-19 is indeed receding, we should remind ourselves, with a shudder, of the tag-line for the film Jaws 2: ‘Just when you though it was safe to go back into the water . . . ’

SELLING YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL - Artist Grimes, Baby Mama Of New World Order Elite Elon Musk, Will Legally Sell Her Soul As Part Of Virtual Art Exhibit Called ‘Selling Out’ This Weekend

New post on Now The End Begins

Artist Grimes, Baby Mama Of New World Order Elite Elon Musk, Will Legally Sell Her Soul As Part Of Virtual Art Exhibit Called ‘Selling Out’ This Weekend

by Geoffrey Grider


Grimes plans to legally sell her soul as part of an upcoming digital art exhibit.

Quick, someone get me Elon Musk on the phone, I have an urgent message for his baby mama Grimes regarding the upcoming selling of her soul to the 'best offer'. Elon, you can't sell what you don't own, and the Devil legally owns not only her soul, but yours as well. He has for quite sometime now, and if you're not careful you both will be meeting him soon. Why do I say these things? To warn you of the coming judgment and Hell fire that awaits for all those who have rejected Jesus Christ and rejected the payment He has already made for your souls.
"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." Matthew 16:25-27 (KJB)
Right now, Elon, life is good for you, your paramour Grimes, and your slightly demonically-named new baby called X Æ A-12. Tomorrow, weather permitting, your SpaceX rocket will sail towards the heavens, your Tesla cars selling like hotcakes, and you have money to burn. But your souls are firmly the property of the Devil, and don't be too surprised when he comes to collect what is rightfully his. Of course, there is a way out if you are smart enough to take it.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.." John 3:16 (KJB)
2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, died, was buried and then rose again by His own power on the third day, according to the scripture. What was He doing on the cross? He was paying the ransom for your soul, for Grimes soul, and for your baby's soul, at the cost of the shedding of His own blood. If you accept that payment, then ownership of your soul will be transferred to God, if not, the Devil will retain it and you will spend an eternity burning in endless flames and torment, but never being consumed. You are a certified genius, I respect that, so you will understand immediately that 'burning but not being consumed' is a wonderful though terrifying illustration of the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Thanks for listening, Elon, and I would like to give you and Grimes a free gift, hope you take it.

Grimes will legally sell her soul as part of a virtual art exhibit titled 'Selling Out'

FROM FOX NEWS: The singer and artist, whose real name is Claire Boucher, is opening a new exhibit titled “Selling Out” in which she’ll accept payment for a slew of artwork, including prints, drawings, photographs and more.
However, according to Bloomberg, the most peculiar addition to the list of things going up for sale is a legal document she drafted with her lawyer that will entitle someone to purchase her soul. As for how much a celebrity’s soul goes for, the artist first set the price at a staggering $10 million.
“I didn’t want anyone to buy it, so I said we should just make it $10 million, and then it probably won’t sell," she said. However, she notes that “the deeper we got with it, the more philosophically interesting it became. Also, I really wanted to collaborate with my lawyer on art,” she added. “The idea of fantastical art in the form of legal documents just seems very intriguing to me.” However, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing businesses to shut down and countless people to be without work in the global economy, she rethought the hefty price tag, instead opting to settle on the “best offer,” therefore letting the public decide what her soul is worth.
Grimes, who is mostly known for her musical endeavors, says that she hopes people will look at this exhibit not as a departure from her music, but as an extension.
“I made art 10, 12 years before I ever touched a keyboard,” she explained. “I see myself as a visual artist first and foremost, and I’ve always felt strange that people know me for music.”
Grimes will debut her fine art exhibitions on Gallery Platform Los Angeles from May 28 through June 3 as well as Maccarone Los Angeles through May 28 through Aug. 31.
“Selling Out” comes at an exciting time for the artist, who recently gave birth to her first child with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. The duo made headlines by giving their son a rather unconventional name,  X Æ A-12, who the outlet reports she refers to as “Little X.”  The baby is Grimes' first child. Musk shares five sons from a previous marriage. Musk's first son reportedly died of sudden infant death syndrome at 10 weeks old back in 2002. READ MORE

Friday, 29 May 2020

July 1st - Countdown To Next Middle East War?

July 1st - Countdown To Next Middle East War?
For such a long time the Middle East has seemingly been on the brink of war, and this event on July 1st could potentially be the trigger that finally pushes everyone over the edge.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

9 Signs Of The End Times That Are Unfolding Right In Front Of Our Eyes

9 Signs Of The End Times That Are Unfolding Right In Front Of Our Eyes
Global events are beginning to spiral out of control, and this has created a resurgence in interest in what the Bible has to say about "the last days". Throughout the Scriptures, we are warned about apocalyptic events that will precede the second coming of Jesus Christ, and a lot of people are wondering if that period of time is now upon us.

BIG BROTHER STRIKES AGAIN - Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Your COVID-19 Safety, They’re About Social Control And Keeping You In Fear

New post on Now The End Begins

Mandatory Masks Have Very Little To Do With Safety And Everything To Do With Social Control To Keep Us In A Constant State Of Confinement

by Geoffrey Grider

Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control

If everyone is wearing a COVID-19 mask, it telegraphs a society-wide acceptance that the status quo has changed, and with that consensus other changes can come, too.

I believe in practicing excellent hygiene and social skills, my parents taught me that years ago, and it is something I have always done. I wash my hands everytime I go to the bathroom after I have touched things, and I proactively wash my hands before touching things in the kitchen. My kids will be happy to tell you I am a freak about hand washing, and have made sure that they are as well. That said, it is sick people that should be placed in isolation, not healthy people. It is sick people that should be wearing masks, not those who are not sick. So what's the agenda here?
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief." 1 Thessalonians 5:3,4 (KJB)
From the beginning of the COVID-19 plannedemic, we have shown you how the global elites have taken a real virus outbreak, that really kills people, and have turned it into a trojan horse to bring in the New World Order. Every step of the way, world governments have shut down their economies and imprisoned their citizens all in the name of 'peace and safety'. Now they want mandatory mask wearing even as the virus is lessening and lifting, why?
The mandatory masks serve as a physical and ever-present reminder that they are in control, and that we are powerless. This social conditioning is so powerful that I see people everyday driving alone in their cars, windows up, and wearing a mask. That is lunacy, that is insanity. If you are healthy and you are doing that, you are endangering your own health. Stop that immediately. If you're sick, don't wear a mask, stay home until you're better, just as common sense has always dictated sick people should act. But we are living in uncommon times and there is nothing sensible about them.

Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Your COVID-19 Safety, They’re About Social Control And Keeping You In Fear

FROM THE FEDERALIST: On May 26, Virginia’s Gov. Ralph Northam announced that wearing masks outside one’s home will be mandatory effective May 29. He first hinted he might issue a masking order a week ago, likely to test the water.
A new refrain in public discourse is growing in volume by the day: “Things will never be the same.” The certainty with which we are assured of this pre-determined future is perplexing. Whether or not “things” will ever be the same is not at all clear, but that some people hope things will never be the same is certain.
To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance plans targeted to transform American freedom and the American way of life. Mandatory-masking policies provide a valuable foundation to weaponize the virus against American liberty—now and in the future.

Demanding Freedoms Helps Ensure Them

Much of our freedom is maintained by the collective resistance of the American mood. When the Minnesota governor excluded churches from his Phase I reopening plan, Catholic and Lutheran leadership announced, through counsel, that their churches would reopen with or without the state’s blessing.
The governor’s resulting about-face was probably not due to a legal epiphany. Rather, he understood he’d pushed the envelope too far. Minnesotans wouldn’t put up with any further abuse of their religious freedoms. Would Virginians, outside of the blue D.C. suburbs, be willing to accept a masking order? To take our freedom from us, people with anti-American agendas have to mobilize some initial quorum of consent from the population.

Masking Is Meant to Build an Opinion Cascade

Mandatory masking seeks to build that consent. In addition to extending the fiction that we are in an emergency sufficient to trigger the extra-constitutional authority of local and state executives, mandatory masking acts as a peer pressure-fueled signal that encourages conformity to our coming “new normal.”
An April 18 article in the Washington Post underscores the strategy, presenting the mask controversy as a left versus right debate. People resisting mandatory mask policies are, per usual, painted as unreasonable, headstrong, and backward—displaying ignorant American bravado while rejecting science and good sense. (That caricature is itself a tool to mock, marginalize, and silence dissent.)
The most telling passage of the article is this one:
For Trump’s supporters, declining to wear a mask is a visible way to demonstrate “that ‘I’m a Republican,’ or ‘I want businesses to start up again,’ or ‘I support the president,’ ” said Robert Kahn, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis who has studied Americans’ attitudes toward masks. ‘Masks will quickly become the new normal in blue states, but if social distancing continues through 2022, the mentality among Republicans could well change, too: If I can go to work and the cost of marginal improvement in my life is wearing a mask, maybe Americans of both parties do accommodate ourselves to it.’
And that’s the key. If we want to marginally improve our lives, we will submit. The masks aren’t the endgame. The point of the masks is to teach the American people that if we want to get some sense of normal, we have to accept abnormality.
If everyone is wearing a mask, it telegraphs a society-wide acceptance that the status quo has changed, and with that consensus other changes can come, too. Society will be primed to accept measures that most normal Americans would reject in any other time. Our new normal will include a permanent expansion of the bureaucracy and alarming new COVID-related regulations.

Masks Are of Limited Benefit

The truth is you aren’t irrational or obdurate if you are skeptical about masks. The “experts” have admitted that masks’ efficacy is usually negligible. Dr. Anthony Fauci himself, in a “60 Minutes” interview early in this pandemic, dismissed masks as essentially useless.
“There is no reason to be walking around wearing a mask. When you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel better, and might even block a droplet,” he said with almost an eyeroll, “but it’s not providing the perfect protection people think it is, and often there are unintended consequences…”
Fauci may have changed his tune, but plenty of sensible doctors are still speaking up. Last week, a doctor in the Wall Street Journal pointed out that cloth masks—the type worn by the overwhelming majority of the population—are not very effective, echoing Fauci’s earlier admission. The WSJ author noted that even the N95 masks fall short: “They’re considered effective at blocking coronavirus particles only when they’re form fitted and tested to make sure there isn’t any leakage.”
In short, cloth masks are largely symbolic. The science hasn’t changed, but the agenda has.
Implementing mandatory mask policies across a society of 300 million because it makes some people feel better is absurd on its face. But the policy makes a lot of sense if you understand its purpose and usefulness to shift the American mindset.
Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a “new normal.” READ MORE

Watch These Videos On Mandatory Masks Telling You That The "Majority Agrees'

More social conditioning from the global elites telling you that laws should be passed to make masks mandatory. Funny how it is always Liberals telling us this, right? Remember when they told us that "Hillary has a 99% chance' of beating Trump in 2016? Day and night, they told us that 'the majority' agreed so it had to be true, right? Wrong, dead wrong. 

"Are We on the Precipice of World War Three?" By The End Times Forecaster

Things are not looking good over in the Middle-East. Probably most of you are aware that hostilities escalated between Turkey and Syria last week which also involved 33 Turkish soldiers being killed, Syrian casualties and many pieces of military equipment including planes have been destroyed. The situation is seething and a lot of sabre rattling is going on which could develop into a major confrontation—some analysts are saying WW3.

Here is the data; the first piece of info is an article that gives a brief account of what happened last week between Turkey and Syria.


And this happened over the weekend.

Two Syrian Jets Shot Down By Turkey Near Idlib As War Escalates

And what is Turkey’s response to all of this.

Turkey Announces its Intention to Go to War with Russia

Now here is what one analyst believes this all boils down to—WW3.

The spokesperson for the Islamist party of Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan has called upon all of NATO to go to war against Syria for Syria’s having killed dozens of Turkey’s troops in order for Syria to defeat Turkey’s invasion and military occupation of Syria’s Idlib Province, which borders on Turkey. Going to war against Syria would mean going to war also against Russia, which is in Syria to protect Syria’s sovereignty over its own territory. If the United States accepts that Turkish proposal, then World War III will consequently result.

Source: Turkey Asks NATO To Join Its War Against Syria And Russia

So are we on the brink of WW3—Seal 2? In light of the distinct possibility that the Seals have been opened, that is a definite possibility. And as I have mentioned many times before, the coronavirus may be part of Seals 1 to 4. Hal Turner’s sources are indicating all of the USA will be infected in 38 days.

Here is an excerpt from the post; The Coronavirus Rode Through The Golden Gate!, that touches on this possibility.

…Are you getting this? Do you realize that the first 4 Seals of Revelation may be in the process of being opened? I am amazed and dismayed at how many people, including Christians, seem to be totally oblivious to this possibility.

We need to get this through our heads—us, our loved ones, and the people that we come in contact with on a daily basis may soon be dead. 


And why theologically can I make that statement? Because I became aware of the eventuality of this reality many years ago when I realized, and have been trying to warn people since about 2004, that the rapture will not happen until after Seal 6 is openedAnd thus all alive at the beginning of the end times, including Christians, will be faced with living through the first 5 Seals of Revelation.

I have also been warning people since 2004 that you need to prepare spiritually, mentally, and physically for the eventuality of the opening of the Seals.

That time may be upon us now!

The more I read about the CoVid-19 coronavirus, the more I am convinced that we may be looking at a pandemic that may play a large part in killing ¼ of the world’s population—1.9 billion—as described in Revelation 6.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

UNITED NATIONS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER - United Nations New World Order Economic Paradigm Project Creates ‘International Day Of Happiness’ Calls For ‘Global Citizens’ To Celebrate

New post on Now The End Begins

United Nations New World Order Economic Paradigm Project Creates ‘International Day Of Happiness’ Calls For ‘Global Citizens’ To Celebrate

by Geoffrey Grider

UNIDOHappiness is the official home and secretariat of the United Nations International Day of Happiness, and part of the UN New World Order Project.

UNIDOHappiness is the official home and secretariat of the United Nations International Day of Happiness, and part of the UN New World Order Project.

It really doesn't get much weirder or more end times than this story today, you really can't make this stuff up. But several sharp-eyed NTEB readers wrote to us today asking if we had heard of something called the United Nations New World Order website. We had not, but imagine my shock and surprise when upon investigating it turned out to be real, and not only that, far exceeded my expectations of end times intrigue and shenanigans. Welcome to the UN New World Order Project promoting something called the International Day of Happiness.
"And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire." Revelation 17:15,16 (KJB)
Bible prophecy is a funny thing, it's a lot like drive through the smog of downtown LA. When viewed from a far distance, it is quite clear and sharply-delineated, but the closer you drive into, the harder it gets to discern with your eye. 29 years ago, when I first got saved, Christians were hyper-vigilant about the coming New World Order and the global society prophesied by Revelation. But here in 2020, when these things are coming to pass and being fulfilled before our very eyes, we become spiritually blind.
The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008 to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050. source
Finding this website today called the UN New World Order Project was so shocking our team had to spend hours researching it just to prove it was real and not some satire site. I mean, they couldn't be this bold, right, they would be so brazen as to do something like this, right? Wrong. They are operating out in the open with no fear of reprisal because they know the lukewarm Laodicean Christian church is asleep at the switch, and won't out them.
"And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." Revelation 3:7,8 (KJB)
Good thing we here at NTEB aren't part of the Laodicean Church. We are Philadelphia, baby. Spread the word about the UN New World Order Project, and let's out the global elites.

The United Nations New World Order Project

UNIDO PRESS RELEASE: Responding to the unprecedented, sudden threat of COVID 19 to the health, happiness, and wellbeing of all humanity, as well as the worldwide quarantine, and disruption to the global economy across every sector, industry, and the everyday life of billions of people, the United Nations International Day Of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness) is launching the HAPPINESS FOR ALL, TOGETHER March 20, 2020 International Day of Happiness global campaign theme, to promote and advance worldwide solidarity and unity, in winning the global fight against COVID 19 coronavirus.
The #HAPPINESSFORALLTOGETHER 2020 and United Nations #InternationalDayOfHappiness campaign theme is a call on all 7.8 billion members of the global human family, and all 206 nations and territories of planet earth, to unite in solidarity, and steadfast resolve, in fighting back against the COVID 19 Coronavirus, by taking the #TenStepsToGlobalHappiness challenge to celebrate the 2020 #InternationalDayOfHappiness, and ultimately defeating the COVID 19 global pandemic, and threat to all life.
The New World Order
"A pandemic drives home the essential interconnectedness of our human family. I'm deeply moved by the acts of kindness, generosity, and solidarity happening around the world in the face of COVID 19. We are in this together - and we will get through this together," said UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres ahead of this Friday's March 20, 2020 International Day of Happiness.
"Global citizens, we are in this together. At this critical time, there is no greater case for collective action than our joint response to COVID 19. I join United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres in solidarity with all who are affected by COVID 19. We are in this together and we will get through this together," said Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammed ahead of the 8th March 20, 2020, International Day Of Happiness.
"The #HAPPINESSFORALLTOGETHER March 20, 2020 International Day Of Happiness campaign theme, and the Ten Steps To Global Happiness call to action, is our call for global unity and togetherness, the most critical ingredients in winning the fight of all humanity against this global outbreak and pandemic of COVID 19 coronavirus. As my grandad said famously, 'It always seems impossible until it's done.' Let us unite and work together to win this global fight, and to achieve the happiness, wellbeing, and freedom of all life on earth," said Ndaba Mandela, UNAIDS Global Ambassador, Co founder of the United Nations New World Order Project, and Chairman of the Mandela Institute for Humanity.
  • "In 2012, all 193 UN member states united together in solidarity by voting unanimously to adopt UN resolution 66281: International Day Of Happiness, in support of UN resolution 65309: Happiness: Toward A Holistic Approach To Development. The COVID 19 coronavirus is a threat to all humanity, which requires the same unanimous, and  collective global action of every individual, organization, and nation. This year's #TenStepsToGlobal Happiness challenge is a call upon our common humanity to unite and win against this global crisis, and, to get back on track to one day achieving the United Nations 2012 call for global happiness, wellbeing, and freedom of all life on earth," said Luis Gallardo, founder of Happytalism, the United Nations Gross Global Happiness Executive Education program at United Nations University for Peace based in Costa Rica, and the World Happiness Fest, a 7 day virtual event uniting 80 countries and thousands of experts and activists at the intersection of happiness, wellbeing, education, health, technology, politics, economic development, and social impact, among other fields and sectors.
  • "The long term mission of the United Nations International Day of Happiness is the happiness, wellbeing, and freedom of all life on earth, achieved through advancing happiness as a human right, and happiness as a new holistic approach to economic development, as called for in UN resolutions 65309, 66281, and the first UN High Level Meeting on Happiness and Wellbeing, which called for the definition of a 'new economic paradigm' of Gross Global Happiness."
"However, in just the last ten to twelve weeks, and at an accelerated pace in just the last ten days, during which the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic, entire industries and nations have shut down, global financial markets have decreased by 30-50%, the world of work and education have shifted from the office, and the classrooms, to the home, until further notice, with many billions of people around the world in quarantine, on lock down, and anxious about their own freedom, health, and wellbeing, and the uncertainty of whether they will have a job or not, and what is next."
  • "As a result, we cannot ignore the ever growing COVID 19 threat, nor the confluence and convergence of massive global macro forces, crises, and systems, and just smile it away for happiness day. That is why for this year's 2020 International Day Of Happiness, we are launching the Happiness For All, Together 2020 campaign theme, as a call to all 7.8 billion members of the global human family for unity and solidarity, together in the great fight against COVID 19 coronavirus."
  • "In just the last few weeks and days, our leadership team made the difficult decision to shift our messaging in the final days and hours, and to follow the lead of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and others from government, private sector, and civil society, in declaring a global state of emergency, and deciding on this year's 2020 International Day Of Happiness campaign theme, Happiness for all Together."
  • "Every step of this year's #TenStepsToGlobalHappiness challenge is dedicated to uniting humanity together, and summoning the collective resolve, and will necessary to fight and defeat this global pandemic, and so all of humanity and get back on our way to recovery, normalization, and advancing the happiness, wellbeing, and freedom of all life on earth, as called for by the United Nations in 2012."
  • "Step 10 is a call on all people to use this time to ask the tough introspective questions about our economic system and approaches to life, with the hopes of one day building the more holistic, integrated, and predictive approach to our global economic system, to make sure this global pandemic and preventable sudden global crises, which randomly shut down all life, created massive, self-inflicted demand shocks to the global economy, and threaten all humanity, never ever happen again," - said Jayme Illien founder of Happyitalism, the United Nations International Day Of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness), and CEO of the United Nations New World Order project.
  • "Finally, let us all start with step 5 by giving thanks and saying a prayer for the health care, grocery, pharmacy, transport, and delivery workers, among other unsung heroes, risking their lives on the front lines to keep combat the virus, to keep the store aisles full, to deliver the food. and keep the medical subscriptions flowing, among so much more behind the scenes work we do not even see, but from which we all benefit during this time of global crisis, unity, and solidarity, together. We, the people of earth, united we stand, divided we fall. We shall win," Illien added.

Happy 2020 International Day of Happiness!

The Ten Steps To Global Happiness Challenge is an annual tradition, with this year's steps focused on great global endeavor to #FlattenTheCurve and Defeat the COVID 19 virus and global pandemic. Please visit for the full 10 steps to global happiness.
UNIDOHappiness is the official home and secretariat of the United Nations International Day of Happiness, and part of the UN New World Order Project. For more information on the Happiness For All Together global campaign theme, the Ten Steps to Global Happiness, and UNIDOHappiness, visit READ MORE

Fact Check: Is The United Nations New World Order Website Real?