Monday 23 June 2014


Why Turkey has been supporting ISIS

Long story short: Because it has been the perfect proxy against their biggest enemies, Iran, Assad and the Kurds, including the Turkish Kurd group, the PKK. For all of its veneer of being a moderate secular nation, behind it all, Erdogan is an Islamist with some long term goals.
IF you do not read the whole article, be sure to read the last line.

10 Responses to Why Turkey has been supporting ISIS

  1. Doug Hanley says:
    It’s not what you imagined in the 80′s huh? A whole lot scarier and with our porous southern border, Jihad could be coming to a neighborhood near you. All the more reason to remain awake and vigilant.
    Stand Firm everyone.
  2. I still maintain that the amount of fighting that has taken place since 9/11 in the Middle East, until now, will be dwarfed by the amount of fighting that will take place between now and the Second Coming of the Authentic King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
    Developing a habit of prayer now will make it easier down the road to maintain this good habit.
  3. Brian How says:
    sounds like Daniel 8 to me…
  4. good4u says:
    Indeed, Brian How…I was just thinking a preview of Daniel 8 too as I read Pipes article. Do we know too much for our own good? Uh, no.
    Events are being staged right now for those who watch and pray…but does anyone else in the Church take us seriously when we tell them?
  5. Doug Hanley says:
    I had told my former Sr Pastor and his wife (long since retired) of the results of my studies and Joel’s et al, It was dinner with him and his wife. They have held that Mystery Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church and the Traditional Roman Antichrist theory since the ’70s. I hadn’t seen them in years and had trouble containing my zeal. She accused me of going mad from much study.
    The wake call has been sounding and Church kept hitting the snooze button. I pray that Lindsey, LaHaye and VanImpe wake up to the Middle East Paradigm soon.
  6. James Tom says:
    And now with Iran pouring in troops into Iraq, will anger Turkey more, and we are on the door stop of Persia being swiftly struck down by Turkey, The Ram vs the Goat Again……
  7. Steve says:
    I don’t think the light bulb will turn on until their head is on the block. My wife with their women’s group read Joel’s books and a small study I did on the second coming. Do what you can with the laymen, that’s who will listen. Peace in the Lord!
  8. Michael A says:
    I really don’t understand the blowback to the Islamic theory amongst “learned” types. Is it a matter of pride? Are they holding on desperately to bad logic merely because they are embarrassed to be wrong? I have to be honest, at this point with Joel’s and Walid’s books in conjunction with the plainly obvious events unfolding right in front of us, it makes me wonder what ulterior motives prevent people from seeing it.
  9. Doug Hanley says:
    That’s why we are doing End Times Refocused: Las Vegas Bible Prophecy Conference in August with Joel, Alan Kurschner, Mark Davidson, Nelson Walters, Usama Dakdok and others. We want to light bulb to shine as brightly as possible while it still can.
    Check it out! If you can’t come tell someone one.

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